Original URL: http://www.rockymountainnews.com/drmn/election/article/0,1299,DRMN_36_1482243,00.html

Bilingual-ed foes raise cash

But Amendment 31 opponents still lead in recent fund raising

By News Staff
October 16, 2002

The campaign for Amendment 31, the anti-bilingual education initiative, filed a financial report Tuesday showing $25,100 raised earlier this month from a New York City resident and a former Colorado governor.

English for the Children of Colorado received a $100 donation from former Gov. Richard Lamm and $25,000 from Thomas Klingenstein of New York City, a fund manager.

The committee now has $31,974 in the bank, trailing the No on 31 campaign in recent fund raising.

English Plus, the group opposed to 31, took in another $75,000 during the first part of October and spent $132,000. The National Education Association, representing teachers, gave $50,000, and the National Association for Bilingual Education contributed $10,000.

The campaign spent $50,000 for a mailing, about $8,000 for a poll and $34,000 for voter education. The group now has $95,000 in the bank.


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