A team of UA experts in American Indian programs has
developed a Web site dedicated to the higher-education needs of native
communities and offering various other useful resources. www.
arizonanativenet.com ArizonaNativeNet brings together the expertise of the
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management and Policy and the
Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy Program at the University of Arizona. |
Bilingual Education Massachusetts Web Page,
Article about post question 2 analysis and advocacy
Information on the “Unz” initiative - Massachusetts
Modern Racism and Its Psychosocial Effects on Society - including a discussion about bilingual education
Myths and Realities about Bilingual Education :
The Bilingual Education Debate
http://bilingualeducationmass.wordpress.com/category/the-bilingual-education-debate/ |
The Center for Multilingual Multicultural Research website http://www.usc.edu/dept/education/CMMR/ by Michael Genzuk, University of Southern California, continues providing professional online resources. Click on http://www-rcf.usc.edu/~cmmr/News.html for news stories related to multilingual and multicultural education. |
Census Bureau's report on the most spoken language: http://www.census.gov/prod/2003pubs/c2kbr-29.pdf |
Office of English Language Acquisition News features news articles around the nation at http://www.ncela.gwu.edu/newsline/2004/0217.htm#MoreBilingual. This site is part of the U.S. Department of Education Office of English Language Acquisition (http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/oela/index.html) |
Online Language courses for beginners from the British Broadcasting Company at
http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/ |
The Boston Globe publishes a series "of occasional articles chronicling one family's experience with English immersion" after passing a English-only classroom law http://www.boston.com/news/education/k_12/specials/immersion/ . |
The Association for Library Service to Children: REFORMA "Dia de los Niños/ Dia de los Libros" http://clnet.ucr.edu/library/reforma/resources/ninos/dia.html continues efforts to establish April 30th as a national observance of Día de los Niños: Día de los Libros. Their website has an extensive list activities and resources including bilingual books on their website. http://clnet.ucr.edu/library/reforma/resources/ninos/activities.html Arizona has one chapter located in Tucson. Here's the link for Arizona: http://www.sir.arizona.edu/reforma/ |
Arizona Dual Language Association is an organization for parents dedicated to Dual Language Programs in Arizona. |
Once you arrive at James W. Crawford's site (http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/JWCRAWFORD/) take a look at http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/jwcrawford/links.htm for more links! |
This is a fantastic resource--Don't miss out on visiting the website developed by Jill Kerper Mora, San Diego State University http://edweb.sdsu.edu/people/jmora |
Census Bureau's report on the most spoken language: http://www.census.gov/prod/2003pubs/c2kbr-29.pdf |
Stephen Pollard has developed a teacher friendly site so go ahead and click: http://www.irvingisd.net/~spollard/ http://www.irvingisd.net/~spollard/research.htm |
CABE's Denis O'Leary documents the fantasy! Take a look at the 2002 California gap between English fluent and English immersed students at: http://latinosonline.com/cabe/index.cfm |