01/02/2006 03:06 AM -0800
The following letters were published or sent in response to printed articles:
Published in the Ventura County Star (letters@insidevc.com),
June 8, 2003: Sent to the Boston Globe, June 12, 2003 www.matsol.org To the editor: In regards to "Tamayo Targets Bilingual Changes" (6/12/03), the Board of Directors for the Massachusetts Association of Teachers of Speakers of Other Languages (MATSOL), representing 1,200 educators of English language learners in Massachusetts, wishes to express its disappointment that more information was not presented about two-way bilingual programs to balance the opinon of Tamayo, currently a non-resident and non-voter of Massachusetts. . Two-way bilingual programs place English and Spanish speakers in the same classrooms to learn the two languages from each other. These highly successful programs boast some of the highest MCAS scores for both English and Spanish speakers. Research abounds documenting the benefits of the program for both students. Students become bilingual and biliterate in these programs. The waiting lists for the programs are often in the hundreds because parents know the economic value of their children learning two languages. To exclude Spanish speakers from the two-way program destroys the principle of the program that students have peers with whom they can learn and practice the languages. While the state works to offer educational choices for parents through charter schools and district choice programs, two-way bilingual programs should be an option for parents who want it. We encourage the legislature and governor to take a closer look at these programs and support the exemption of two-way bilingual programs, preserving a valid choice for parents. Sincerely, Sent to the National Review Online, May 31, 2003 Stephen Moore, in "Sunset
spending , not the tax cuts," (May 30), asks if we should be investing in
bilingual education, "when all the research shows that foreign-language classes
stunt the learning of English by immigrant children?" Nearly every scholar who
has reviewed the scientific research has concluded that bilingual education
works. Children in bilingual programs acquire at least as much English as
children in all-English immersion programs and usually acquire more. The most
recent review of this research, by Jay P. Greene of the Manhattan Institute,
found that use of the native language has positive effects, and that "efforts to
eliminate the use of the native language in instruction ... harm children by
denying them access to beneficial approaches." Research done in other countries
confirms that bilingual programs are good for second language acquisition.
Studies also show that children in bilingual programs drop out less than
comparison students in all-English programs. Mr. Moore needs to take a closer
look at the research. Sent to the
Los Angeles Times, May 25, 2003 Published in Rethinking Schools Volume 17
No. 4 - Summer 2003 Letters Published in the Arizona Republic, May 24, 2003 http://www.azcentral.com/arizonarepublic/opinions/articles/0524satlet6-241.html Bilingualism and the Promise of America: When Ginny Kalish, one of Arizona's best teachers, expressed her disagreement
with Superintendent Tom Horne's effort to impose immersion Published in the Arizona Republic, May 16, 2003 Let's have that in English Sent to the Arizona Republic, May 16, 2003 At night when I sit and sort through all my thoughts, I can enjoy watching my
children dream quietly in their beds. They make all my struggles Alicia Alvarez Sent to the
Houston Chronicle, May 15, 2003 Published
Education Week, May 14, 2003 Tom Horne, in his letter of April 30, 2003
("A Clarification on Bilingual Claims"), accuses Sean Fleming of showing, in an
earlier Sent to the Arizona Republic, May 10, 2003: Sent to Ventura County Star, May 9, 2003 Sent to La Voz, May 8, 2003 Estimado Sr. Arreortúra: Gracias por informar al público sobre la manera en que se trataron los padres de familia que esperaban participar durante la reunión realizada en el Departamento de Educación el mes pasado. Permítame indicar que el primer párafo no debería de decir que la ley "elimina la educación bilingüe." Esto es algo que los medios de comunicación en nuestro estado han repetido tanto que el público lo acepta como verdad, aunque en el mismo reporte lo contradice Margaret García-Dugan. Sería mejor y propio indicar que la ley permite participación en programas de educación bilingüe únicamente en ciertas circunstancias. Lo único que se averigua es la manera en que se determinarán esas circunstancias. Lo que es más, la ley también describe circunstancias bajo cuales las escuelas públicas estarían obligadas a ofrecer programas de educación bilingüe. Esto es algo que raramente se menciona pero que es un detalle importantísimo porque sirve para comprobar que la educación bilingüe no se ha prohibido. Atentamente, Salvador Armando Gabaldón Published in the Arizona Republic, May. 3, 2003 12:00 AM Bilingual position distorted Published in the Arizona Republic May 2, 2003 Sent to the Ventura County Star May 1, 2003. Sent to Education Week, May, 1, 2033 Tom Horne ("A clarification on bilingual claims," April 30) accuses Sean
Fleming ("Arizona is wrong on bilingual rules,"April 2) of showing an "amazing
ignorance" of research in bilingual education because he did not cite an article
in EducationNext (Winter, 2002), that, Mr. Horne claims, shows that immersion
students do better than Sent to Ventura County
Star, April 30, 2003
Sent to
the Fresno Bee, April 1
2003 According to the Bee ("Students improve English abilities," March 26) state officials "boasted" that the percent of English learners scoring at the proficient level in English "nearly tripled" in California last year, from 11% in 2001 to 32% in 2002. That's nothing to boast about: That increase is based on children who took the exam both years, children who have been in school for one year and longer. These gains are very modest, especially when we consider that the children did not start out at zero in 2001. In fact, 82% scored at the low intermediate level or higher in 2001. Proposition 227, which dismantled bilingual education in California, allows only one year for children to become proficient in English. If 227 had kept its promise, all English learners should be fully proficient after one year. That didn't happen. Not even close. Stephen Krashen Professor Emeritus School of Education University of Southern California |
Sent to Education Week March 29, 2003
regard to your article "Mass. Chief Steers Steady Course Through Conflicts,"
(March 5, 2003), the board of directors for the Massachusetts Association of
Teachers of Speakers of Other Languages expresses its concern that the state has
left many of its English-language learners behind. The Massachusetts
Comprehensive Assessment System, or MCAS, has failed over 6,058 students, a
figure that does not include those who have dropped out because of the test.
These 6,058 students are overwhelmingly Hispanic, African-American,
English-language learners, and those from urban areas. While 90 percent of the
class of 2003 have passed the test (a figure that includes 94 percent of white
students), only 67 percent of English-language learners, 75 percent of black
students, and 70 percent of Hispanics have passed. There is no strategic
response to address this racial achievement gap. With only a draft guidance
document available for the implementation of a referendum that calls for a
one-size-fits-all English-immersion program, districts are charged with
developing the new program at a time when resources are scarce and guidance
unclear. Time constraints and a lack of resources do not allow for the
systematic and thoughtful planning needed for implementation of these new
structured-immersion programs. Rushing to create programs without thoughtful
discussion on the best approaches, materials, long-term professional
development, instructional techniques, and program design is a disaster in the
making. The Massachusetts Department of Education should learn from the mistakes
of California and Arizona in this area and not repeat them.
Carlos Matos
Massachusetts Association of Teachers of
Speakers of Other Languages (MATSOL)
Boston, Mass.
Sent to the LA Times March 29, 2003
To the editor:
Why is it that, when challenged to do a little math, normally skeptical
journalists go all wobbly in the knees?
Case in point: the unscientific use of raw test scores to claim success for
English-only instruction in California. According to a Times report (March 26),
the number of English language learners who met English proficiency standards
nearly tripled last year. Among a group of 862,000 students who took a state
test two years in a row, 32 percent scored advanced or early advanced in 2002,
versus only 11 percent in 2001.
This sounds like dramatic progress. Ron Unz hailed the news as vindication of
Proposition 227, the ballot measure he sponsored in 1998, which replaced most
bilingual education with a one-year, all-English program.
The Times failed to note, however, that the comparison was of the
apples-and-oranges variety. Students gains in 2002 were hardly surprising
because they had received an additional year of English instruction. In most
cases, they re-took the same test they had taken in 2001, when 71 percent of
them already scored at intermediate levels in English.
This is a strange measure of success. Would anyone get excited if 2nd graders
slightly outperformed 1st graders on an identical test of reading? Never mind
that two-thirds of these students are still failing to meet minimal standards of
English proficiency after more than a year of schooling usually a lot
Are California’s English language learners making good progress or not? Are
they doing better in bilingual or English-only classrooms? Without scientific
studies, designed to make meaningful comparisons rather than score political
points, we will never know for sure.
One thing we do know is that it’s taking California students far longer to
learn English than the one year that Unz promised.
James Crawford
Silver Spring, MD
Stephen Krashen
Professor Emeritus
School of Education
University of Southern California
Sent to Nanette Asimov of the San Francisco Chronicle 3-26-03
Dear Nanette,
I am writing you as a teacher educator with expertise in instruction for English
language learners (ELL). One of my areas of expertise is in the relationship
between language proficiency and effective programs of instruction. I read your
article of March 26. Unfortunately, the article contains several
misinterpretations of statistical data based on false assumptions about ELL
students and programs that mislead your readers regarding the effectiveness of
different programs for ELL. In addition, you have omitted data from the CELDT
exam that is important in understanding the broader policy arena for educating
language minority students.
The data from the
second year of administration of the CELDT does not provide an accurate basis
for comparing programs of instruction. Nor do these statistics support the
conclusion that students in one program are learning English faster than
students in other programs. The data merely describe the English proficiency
levels of students enrolled in different programs. The misinterpretation of
these factors leads to faulty conclusions regarding cause and effect. There are
several reasons for this:
1. The students who are actually enrolled in a bilingual program or an
“English-only” program are in these different programs in part because their
language proficiency is different. Students who are enrolled in bilingual
education are usually in the bilingual program because they have lower
proficiency in English. We cannot conclude that they do not have lower English
proficiency because they are in a bilingual program. Furthermore, we cannot
conclude from this data that the majority of students in bilingual programs are
not if fact increasing their English at the same rate (one CELDT level per year)
as students in English-only programs.
Allow me to draw an analogy. If we were to give a proficiency test in French to
high school students enrolled in French 1 and compare their proficiency in the
language with students enrolled in French 2 or French 3, what would the data
tell us? Predictably, they would indicate that the French 1 students have lower
proficiency. Could we say, based on these data, that the French 3 program is
“better than” the French 1 program because the students in French 3 are more
proficient than those in French 1? Could we say that the students in French 2
are learning French faster than those in French 1 because their scores are
higher on tests of French language proficiency? Can we conclude that French 2 is
a more effective program because more students in French 2 are ready to move on
to French 3 from this group than from the group of students in French 1?
Statistics can be manipulated and portrayed to suit a particular purpose. There
are many contradictions and unexplained discrepancies within the data presented
by the CDE in their year to year comparisons of students reaching the
“proficient” level. Please see Attachment C to the CA Department of Education’s
official press release on the CELDT data. This attachment contains a table that
gives a different picture of the comparisons of percentages of students who
score at the “proficient” level on the CELDT (early advanced or advanced)
between 2001 and 2002. According to this table, which is broken down by grade
spans tested, there is an 8% difference in all grades between the numbers of
students who scored as proficient in these two years. This suggests that
Attachment A
Attachment C
It is also important to keep in mind that the state of California accepts
progress of one level increase in the CELDT per year as an average to determine
that students are making “satisfactory progress” in learning English. Since the
CELDT is a 6-point rating scale, this means that the average student is not
expected to reach “proficiency” in less than five years. Consider that
Proposition 227 mandates that students should be placed in mainstream or regular
English classes after one year. There is a vast discrepancy between the legal
mandate and the expectations for English language and academic development for
ELL based on expected gains in CELDT scores. As a tax payer, I would not call
this “success” after five years of implementing this law.
I would also like to point out the findings of the extensive study of the impact
of Proposition commissioned by the California Department of Education through
WestED and the American Institutes for Research (AIR). This study, published in
2002, found no significant differences between the progress of students in
bilingual education programs and English-only programs in their rate of learning
English. It is about time that policy makers, the public, and the press
recognize and acknowledge that the debate over English-only versus bilingual
education is purely political. There is a large body of methodologically sound
research that confirm the effectiveness of well-designed and well-implemented
bilingual programs in supporting the academic achievement of ELL. Comparisons
between the “effectiveness” of bilingual education and English-only are
politically motivated. There is no reason for the state or federal government to
curtail the rights of parents who choose bilingual education for their children
to have access to these programs of instruction. I hope that you will reconsider
your misleading use of statistical data to bolster a particular political agenda
that damages our ability to educate our bilingual students so that they can
fully realize their human potential.
Kerper Mora, Ed.D.
Professor of Teacher Education
Interim Assistant Director of Student Affairs
School of Teacher Education
San Diego State University
Office 619 594-6110
FAX 619 594-7828
Sent to the San Francisco Chronicle 3-26-03
English-only students do better
on state test
The recent release of the California English Language Development test shows
that about 30% of students can have a conversation in English. Unfortunately
only 7% are able to read a school text book at grade level.
Proposition 227 came into effect only 60 days after the 1998 election. Why the
rush? Because kids were to pick up the English language like sponges, learning
English in English. All students were to become fluent by the end of the
1998-’99 school year and bilingual education was to be exposed as the fraud it
was claimed to be.
Five years later 90% of non English fluent students are still in the “one year
of intensive English immersion” program and only 7% can read a school text book
at grade level. A 93% failure rate is not much to celebrate about.
No one has ever claimed that bilingual education makes students English fluent
after only one year, but after the same five year period 90% are at par in
academic instruction as English native speaking students. This will be
important when high school students will be expected to pass an academic high
school proficiency exam in English to receive their diplomas.
Denis O'Leary
Education Advisor, National Far West Region
League of United Latin American Citizens
Sent to the LA Times: 3/26/03
Re: Gains posted
by Limited-English Schoolchildren
The recent release of the California English Language Development test scores
once again gives opponents of bilingual instruction the chance to celebrate
failure. It is true that students are learning English. The CELDT shows that
about 30% of students can have a conversation in English. Unfortunately for
the students forced into the voter mandated “one year of intensive English
immersion” only 7% are able to follow academic instruction from school text
books at grade level.
Proposition 227 came into effect in September 1998, (only 60 days after the law
was at the ballot). Why the rush? Because kids were to pick up the English
language like sponges, learning English in English. All students were to become
fluent by the end of the 1998-’99 school year and the oppressive bilingual
education bureaucratic machine was to be exposed as the fraud it was claimed to
Five years later 90% of non English fluent students are still in the “one year
of intensive English immersion” program and only 7% can read a school text book
at grade level. A 93% failure rate is not much to celebrate about.
No one has ever claimed that bilingual education makes students English fluent
after only one year. Yet, after the same five year period bilingual education
has made 90% of its participants academically fluent in the English language.
Bilingual educated students have not only become English fluent, but they are at
par in academic instruction as English native speaking students. This will be
important when high school students will be expected to pass an academic high
school proficiency exam in English to receive their diplomas.
If those kindergartners from Prop 227’s first year who turn 18 in the year 2011
are educationally deprived they will vote from their experiences, not the
promises of an oppressive political pedagogy or self congratulatory conservative
nimby’s. The failure to recognize the success of bilingual education may be
very painful for many but the celebration of the 93% failure rate from English
immersion classes will be remembered by future voters.
Denis O'Leary
Education Advisor, National Far West Region
League of United Latin American Citizens
Sent to the San
Francisco Chronicle 3/26/03
Re: English-only students do
better on state test
Claims about the effectiveness of English-only instruction based on recent
California English Language test (CELDT) results are incorrect.
According to reports, 9% of English learners in English-only scored at the
"proficient" level in 2001, increasing to 32% in 2002. In 2001, 3% of those in
bilingual education were at the proficient level, increasing to 16%. But
consider this:
The CELDT was introduced last year. Research shows that the first time a test
is given, scores look low, and they increase as teachers and students get
familiar with the test. The CELDT increase may simply be due to normal test
scores inflation, not actual improvement.
Those in bilingual education started out at a lower level. This is because
children with more English are typically placed in English-only programs rather
than bilingual education. Scientific studies in which all groups start at the
same level, or differences are statistically controlled, show that bilingual
education is effective: Students in bilingual programs usually do better on
English tests than those in English-only, and at worst they do the same.
There is a strong push now in education to base decisions on "scientific"
studies. Yet scientific data on bilingual education is ignored in favor of
crude, unscientific test scores.
Stephen Krashen
Sent to the LA Times March 26, 2003
Re: Gains
posted by Limited-English Schoolchildren, 3/26/03
Claims about the effectiveness of English-only instruction based on recent
California English Language Test (CELDT) results are incorrect.
According to reports, 9% of English learners in English-only scored at the
"proficient" level in 2001, increasing to 32% in 2002. In 2001, 3% of those in
bilingual education were at the proficient level, increasing to 16%. But
consider this:
The CELDT was introduced last year. Research shows that the first time a test
is given, scores look low, and they increase as teachers and students get
familiar with the test. The CELDT increase may simply be due to normal test
scores inflation, not actual improvement.
Those in bilingual education started out at a lower level. This is because
children with more English are typically placed in English-only programs rather
than bilingual education. Scientific studies in which all groups start at the
same level, or differences are statistically controlled, show that bilingual
education is effective: Students in bilingual programs usually do better on
English tests than those in English-only, and at worst they do the same.
Different calculation methods give different results. Subtracting 2002 scores
from 2001 scores, English-only looks better. But bilingual education children
increased their scores fivefold and English-only children improved only 3.5
times as much. The proper way to evaluate programs is with scientifically
controlled studies; bilingual education does very well in these studies.
There is a strong push now in education to base decisions on "scientific"
studies. Yet scientific data on bilingual education is ignored in favor of
crude, unscientific test scores.
Stephen Krashen
Emeritus Professor of Education, USC
Sent to the Ventura County Reporter March 23, 2003
Jill Stewart writes in “Fluff and Fold” March 20, 2003, “The shy, wealthy
Republican Unz was the first to publicly utter one of the most painful political
truths I’d ever heard: that we, the people of California, had created a society
of 1.5 million Latino teenagers who after years of schooling in this country
could not read or write in English.”
Ron Unz may be wealthy, but not shy. One point implied to but not said is that
he is also credible person. Not mentioned in Unz’s “most painful political”
truth is that California has never had less than 75% of its English Language
Learners in English Immersion classes, even before 1998 when Unz wrote and
passed Proposition 227.
Today, with 90% of English Language Learners in what was said to be “one year of
English immersion” 93% have failure to become English fluent after the one year
of immersion. After five years of Unz’s celebrated Proposition 227 only 30% of
students have become English fluent. No one has ever claimed that bilingual
education makes students English fluent after only one year. Yet, after the same
five year period bilingual education has made 90% of its participants fluent in
the English language. Bilingual educated students have not only become
English fluent, but they are at par in academic instruction as English native
speaking students.
Jill Steward writes, “One study by the Los Angeles Unified School District
showed California had 1.5 million functionally illiterate Latino young adults,
churned out by discredited “bilingual education.”
Functional illiteracy has more to do with the discredited “English immersion”
classes which have failed the Latino community before Proposition 227 as well as
after its strict mandates. Celebrating failure of an entire community when that
community is witness to its devastation is only going to oppress a people.
If those Latinos who turn 18 in the year 2016 are educationally deprived they
will vote from their experiences, not the promises of an oppressive political
party or self congratulatory conservative writers. The failure to recognize the
success of bilingual education may be very painful but the celebration of the
93% failure rate from English immersion classes will be remembered by future
Denis O’Leary
Education Advisor, National Far West Region
League of United Latin American Citizens
Published in the Taipei Times Thursday, Mar 13, 2003,Page 8
Krashen was right
Kudos for publishing Stephen Krashen's inspiring letter (Letters, Mar. 9, Page
8), which has shed light on our long-time debate on whether to start the
teaching of English in Taiwan from the kindergarten, or delay the educational
undertaking till the third grade.
I side with Krashen, a renowned cognitive psychologist, who is enthusiastic
about language acquisition and bilingual education. The view that a child's
solid foundation in his or her native language is instrumental to the learning
of a second or foreign language is justifiable from a psycholinguistic point of
view. It can also be supported from the perspective of sociolingusitics.
As more and more parents are eager to send their young children to all-English
kindergartens or English-only centers for total immersion programs, they tend to
ignore the fact that their kids will be disadvantaged eventually for being
deprived of the basic knowledge of the first language. Krashen is absolutely
right when he wrote, "those with a better knowledge of their first language do
better in second language acquisition." Indeed, the subject-matter knowledge
that young children learn through their first language will enable them to lay
the tangible groundwork for learning the second or third language, along with
their mental development.
Competence in English is related to competence in Chinese. Increasing numbers of
elementary school students in the Taipei area are speaking acceptable English
because they tend to have stronger basic Chinese-language education. Their
bilingual ability is a justification of this pedagogical argument. As for those
students in senior high schools or colleges and universities, competence in
English is usually compatible with their performance in Chinese.
In her keynote speech delivered at the International Symposium on English
Teaching in Taipei, Nov. 11, 2000, Catherine Elizabeth Snow and Henry Lee
Shattuck of Harvard University, also reiterated the argument that older children
can acquire second languages even faster than younger children. The analytical
strategies of the older learners can be more diverse than those of the younger
ones in the acquisition of the four language skills of listening, speaking,
reading and writing. And above all, foreign language learning covers the
acquisition of cultures and other matters, in addition to the fundamental
language skills.
Facing the reality of English already being the lingua franca throughout the
world, it is important that we adopt this highly creditable approach to help our
children develop their bilingual competence in preparation for the challenges of
the twenty-first century.
Chen-ching Li
Published in The Taiwan Times
Sunday, Mar 09, 2003,Page 8
Quality beats quantity
The chairperson of the teachers' association at National Chu-Pei High School Han
Shu-jean feels that "Starting English teaching in the third grade rather than in
the first grade would be more beneficial to our students" ("Sensitivity to
students imperative in curricula," Feb. 28, page 8), because students "should be
given more time to lay a firm foundation in Chinese first."
The research on second-language acquisition agrees. It is well-established that
younger is not faster; older children acquire second languages faster than
younger children. Starting later is thus more efficient. Studies of bilingual
education show that those with a better knowledge of the first language do
better in second language
Students with better education in the first language have more subject-matter
knowledge, and this helps them understand more in classes conducted in the
second language.
Also, research strongly suggests that aspects of literacy transfer across
languages. For example, recent research by Haeyoung Kim of the Catholic
University of South Korea, has confirmed that those who develop a recreational
reading habit in the first language (Korean) tend to read more in English, which
has a strong positive influence
on second-language development.
Lee Sy-ying, of National Taipei University, has shown that those who develop
efficient writing strategies in their first language (Chinese) tend to develop
efficient strategies in English.
Nobody denies the importance of developing competence in English. Ironically,
spending less time focusing on English and more time paying attention to the
primary language is a very good way to improve English language education.
Published in Education Week:
Do Latinos Favor Bilingual Ed.?
Ron K. Unz claims the recall of Nativo Lopez from the Santa Ana, Calif., school
board is evidence that bilingual education is not popular, "even among Latinos"
("Calif. School Board Member Recalled Over Prop. 227," Feb. 12, 2003). We know
that Mr. Unz is not aware of the research in the field; apparently, he does not
read newspapers either.
If he did, he would know that 95 percent of the 4,000 Latinos recently polled by
the AOL Time Warner Foundation/People en Espaol said they supported bilingual
education; that 92 percent of Latinos surveyed in Massachusetts by the Instituto
Mauricio Gastn and the University of Massachusetts opposed his anti-bilingual
initiative in that state, Question 2; that opposition among Latinos to Amendment
31, his
anti-bilingual initiative in Colorado, reached 66 percent; and that opposition
to Proposition 227, his anti-bilingual initiative in California, was 63 percent
among Latinos.
For a person who wants to be treated as an intellectual ("a theoretical
physicist by training"? What is that?), Mr. Unz would do well to make
himself better informed in the area he chooses so frequently to debate.
Francisco Ramos
Miami, Fla.
March 5
Sent to Rethinking Schools, March 3, 2003
To the editor:
Padres Unidos ("Colorado upholds the right to bilingual education," Spring,
2003, p. 20) noted that different groups were approached with
different reasons for voting against Amendment 31, the anti-bilingual education
initiative, and they listed several very good reasons: The Unz proposal was
indeed too costly, too punitive, (and) too restrictive, and it hurts development
of the heritage language.
A very important reason for supporting bilingual education, however, was
missing, a reason that should appeal to everybody: It works. Children in
bilingual education program acquire as least as much English as children in
all-English immersion programs, and typically acquire more. Research done in the
US shows this is the case, and research done in other countries confirms that
bilingual programs are good for second language acquisition. Research also shows
that children in bilingual programs drop out less than comparison students in
all-English programs.
Campaigns such as the one we just experienced in Colorado are an excellent
opportunity to tell the public about this little-known fact. If we fail to take
advantage of such temporary platforms, we encourage future attacks on bilingual
education that simply avoid the costly, punitive and restrictive aspects of
Amendment 31.
Stephen Krashen
Professor Emeritus of Education
University of Southern California
Sent to the Taipei Times, Feb. 28, 2003
To the editor:
Han Shu-jean feels that `Starting English teaching in the third grade rather
than in the first grade would be more beneficial to our students" (Letters,Feb.
28), because students "should be given more time to lay a firm foundation in
Chinese first."
The research on second language acquisition agrees.
It is well-established that younger is not faster; older children acquire second
languages faster than younger children. Starting later is thus more efficient.
Studies of bilingual education show that those with a better knowledge of the
first language do better in second language acquisition. Students with
better education in the first language have more subject matter knowledge, and
this helps them understand more in classes conducted in the second language.
Also, research strongly suggests that aspects of literacy transfer across
languages. For example, recent research by Haeyoung Kim of the Catholic
University of Korea has confirmed that those who develop a recreational reading
habit in the first language (Korean) tend to read more in English, which has a
strong positive influence on second language development. Prof. Sy-ying Lee of
National Taipei University has shown that those who develop efficient writing
strategies in their first language (Chinese) tend to develop efficient
strategies in English.
Nobody denies the importance of developing competence in English. Ironically,
starting a bit later and paying more attention to the primary language are very
good ways of improving English language education.
Stephen Krashen
Professor Emeritus
University of Southern California
Published in Education Week, 2/26/03
Do Latinos Support Bilingual Ed.? Yes.
To the Editor:
Ron K. Unz claims that the recall of Nativo Lopez from the Santa Ana, Calif.,
school board is evidence that bilingual education is not popular, even among
Latinos ("Calif. School Board Member Recalled Over Prop. 227," Feb. 12, 2003).
If this is true, why did 95 percent of the 4,000 Latinos recently polled by the
Cheskin Group say they supported bilingual education?
Stephen Krashen
Professor Emeritus
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, Calif.
Sent to Jose Carillo, columnist in the Manila Times in response to his column Feb. 22, 2003: http://www.manilatimes.net/national/2003/feb/22/top_stories/20030222top11.html
Dear Mr. Carillo,
In 1998 California voters passed Proposition 227, an initiative that dismantled
bilingual education. You note in your article of Feb. 22 that "only time will
tell" if this initiative will succeed or not. Actually, we know quite a bit
already. A major study done by West Ed, released a few months ago, compared
children in schools that kept bilingual education (because of special waivers)
and children in schools that dropped bilingual education. Increases in reading
scores from grades 2 to 5 were identical.
The study is not perfect. More children were tested in 2001 than in 1998, and
the West Ed study showed that many "English-only" programs used a considerable
amount of the child's first language, but the data so far does not show any
substantial increase in English
competence for children learning English. All that apparently happened in
California is that far fewer children now participate in bilingual programs,
with no increase in English language ability. California has given up
bilingualism and has received nothing in return.
The report is available at: "http://www.wested.org/cs/wew/view/rs/661"
Stephen Krashen
Professor Emeritus
Rossier School of Education
University of Southern California
Sent to the Wall Street Journal Feb. 22, 2003
Dear Wall Street Journal Editors:
It continues to fascinate me no end that a leading journal such as yours manages
to focus on 1 or 2 incidents regarding bilingual ed
to write an editorial while ignoring the mountain of facts which don't jive with
your position...given the current state of affairs
economically speaking and how the Wall Street Journal is THE journal for
investors, I guess we shouldn't be surprised at the
down turn of events.
If your reporters even bothered to investigate a bit further, a casual glance at
the California Department of Ed's website indicates that English immersion
continues to be the dismal failure it was long before bilingual ed was ever
introduced there or elsewhere. Currently, a whopping 4% of the English learners
in high school made it to the 50th percentile on their state-wide test...this is
down from previous years (Oh yes, what a wonderful goal -let's all aspire to a 4
percent proficiency rate). Scores from other grades for students in English
immersion, for the most part are either stagnant, or down... with a few gaining
minimal points. The much-touted success by proponents of immersion have been
based on one or two grade levels - they conveniently ignore the dismal picture
in the other grades which gets worse the higher up you go.
Moreover, the gap between English speakers and English learners has widened
since the passage of Prop 227. If English immersion was such a blinding success
(it certainly seems to have blinded you guys), the gap would be closing
and the test scores would be spiking.
Nationwide more than 80% of all English learners have NEVER been in any form of
bilingual education. This means that the high
drop out rate amongst Latinos can be attributed to English immersion (p.s. the
drop out rate is increasing, not decreasing) and not to
bilingual ed. Interestingly enough, a recent study done with Latino drop outs
found that students who had bilingual ed dropped out at
a far lower rate than those who had received English-only instruction, and that
far more students went to college if they had received
some type of bilingual ed during their academic careers.
Other countries sit back and shake their heads at our English-only foolishness -
their students graduate schools literate in several
languages which gives them both an economic as well as a cognitive edge, while
our monolingual students continue to be relegated to a
monolingual morass because people like you can't get past their English-only
But please, don't change your tactics for the sake of truth or the enhancement
of intellect. Just continue to "lead" the nation into an
economic and linguistic straightjacket - you're doing a wonderful job as it is.
Priscilla Gutierrez
Sent to the Daily Oklahoman, Feb. 18, 2003
The Daily Oklahoman asks: "Do Spanish-speaking students fare better in bilingual
or English-only classes?" (Feb. 18). Nearly all published reviews of the
scientific research have shown that bilingual education is effective. Students
in properly organized bilingual programs acquire at least as much English as
comparison students in all-English programs, and usually acquire more. The most
recent review of this research was done by Dr. Jay Greene of the Manhattan
Institute. Greene concluded that the use of the native language has positive
effects and that "efforts to eliminate the use of the native language in
instruction ... harm children by denying them access to beneficial approaches."
Stephen Krashen, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus, University of Southern California
Sent to the Az Daily Star Feb. 16, 2003
The power to enact laws in Arizona lies with the legislature and with the
people, through the initiative process. Proposition 203, as enacted by voters,
requires waivers and bilingual education. The law very specifically spells out
the criteria for three types of waivers, the kinds of testing to be used, and
the qualifying scores for Type 1 waivers (see sections 15-753 [B1], {B2], and
[B3]. Tom Horne, Superintendent of Public Instruction, does not have the
authority to alter the law as he intends to do by changing the requirements for
waivers. His is a thinly veiled attempt to circumvent the voters' wishes in
exchange for his own political agenda and to make law through executive
regulations. In doing so, he also squashes any remaining rights of language
minority parents to determine their children's educational future. Many parents
recognize bilingual education as the advantage it is and want that option for
their children. Proposition 203 guarantees that right for parents of children
who meet the requirements outlined by the law.
Caryl Crowell
teacher and voter
Published in the Arizona Daily Star Feb. 18, 2003
Dear editor:
It's been stated that if we don't learn from our history, we are doomed to
repeat it. The following quote is a prime example.
"We are looking forward to English immersion for our Mexican-American students
in our schools," said Maria Mendoza, who spearheaded the Prop. 203 petition
drive. "Finally these children will have the equal opportunity to be
academically successful. The key to success is to be fluent in English."
English immersion was the law of land for over 50 years in Tucson. At that time,
the classes were called 1C. The majority of the Mexican-American who students
who were given an "equal opportunity to be academically successful" in those
years, either dropped out or did not achieve fluency in English.
Therefore, bilingual education programs were established as an academic option
so that the English learners could learn their core classes in their first
language AS they learned English.
In every educator's life, there is one poignant moment which influences us to
become teachers. My moment has lasted a lifetime. A lifetime of remembering the
dejected, angry, inquiring looks of my friends in 1C and the cynical adults they
became. Their opportunity for academic success came a price no one should have
to pay.
It's true that with the proper training in English immersion techniques,
teachers will be able to more effectively get their students to learn
English as rapidly as possible. English as a second language teachers in a
bilingual program already possess these skills. However, how are the students
going to learn history, math, science, or especially reading, if they cannot
understand the specific language of each subject? Subject matter language is
vastly different than just knowing how to speak and understand conversational
I am reminded of another quote. This one is from Pogo. We have met the enemy and
it is us.
Let parents choose the best academic program for their child to learn: to learn
English and to learn content.
Francisco Reyes
ESL and Bilingual Science Teacher
Wakefield Middle School
Sent to the Arizona Daily Star, Feb. 14, 2003
For the last 30 years, nearly 80% of Arizona's English learners have attended
schools that provided English-only instruction and immersed children in English.
The results have not been very encouraging. Nevertheless, voters approved
an initiative that now has 90% of such students in immersion programs. For
Horne, the State Superintendent
of Public Instruction, that isn't enough. He is deliberately misreading the
English immersion law to eliminate the few remaining programs that offered
parents an alternative. In the proposal released by his office this week, the
most glaring misinterpretation deals with the law's Type 1 waiver provision.
Here is the wording as it appears in ARS 15-753 B (1): "Children who already
know English: The child already possesses good English language skills, as
measured by oral evaluation or standardized tests of English vocabulary
comprehension, reading, and writing, in which the child scores approximately at
or above the state average for his grade level or at or
above the 5th grade average, whichever is lower."
Compare that to the wording (inserted in caps) as it would effectively read
under the proposed rules:
Children who already know English: The child already possesses good English
language skills, as measured by oral evaluation or standardized tests of English
vocabulary comprehension, reading, and writing, in which the child, IF HE IS IN
IS IN GRADES 2-12, THEN HE MUST ALSO SCORE approximately at or above the state
average for his grade level or at or above the 5th
grade average, whichever is lower.
The actual law allows either an oral or a literacy assessment, as available, to
be used at any grade level. If the child demonstrates on either assessment a
score that is at or above the average score in the appropriate grade level, then
the child has demonstrated good English language skills and qualifies for a
waiver. The law permits either
option for good reason. Requiring both assessments in grades 2-12 would place an
unnecessary burden on Dual Language programs by forcing native English speakers
to take a lengthy, expensive and unnecessary oral assessment.
Ironically, it just such programs that Tucson Superintendent Stan Paz was hoping
to expand next year. The law also promised voters that bilingual education would
be required in schools where parents obtain twenty or more
waivers. By prohibiting 85% of English learners who otherwise could qualify with
an oral assessment from doing so, the proposal is a shameful effort to get
around the law's requirement for bilingual education, virtually guaranteeing
that the provision would never be used.
The Superintendent is not satisfied that 90% of English learners are in
immersion programs. He clearly intends to eliminate any choice for parents, even
if it means making a mockery of the law. The Tucson Association for Bilingual
Education urges the State Board to forcefully reject the proposed rules.
Sent to the Orange County Register, Feb. 6, 2003
The Orange County Register continues its membership in the Flat Earth Society,
ignoring the substantial scientific evidence showing that bilingual education
works ("Santa Ana looks ahead," Feb. 6).
Bilingual programs do not "delay English." Rather, it uses the child's first
language in ways that accelerate English language development. Children taught
to read in their first language learn to read much more quickly, and this
ability quickly transfers to English. Children taught academic subjects in their
first language have an easier time understanding instruction when it is
presented in English, which accelerates their English language development.
The transition to English happens rapidly. A University of Riverside study
showed that by the time children in bilingual education were in the third grade,
90% of their subject matter instruction was in English.
Contrary to the Register's claim, bilingual education is not a "failed education
experiment. " In the most recent published review of the research , Jay Greene
of the Manhattan Institute concluded that bilingual education is superior to
all-English approaches for English language development.
Stephen Krashen Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor, USC
Sent to the Los Angeles Times, February 5, 2003
To the editor:
The LA Times included an important point in their report on the Lopez recall
("Voters drawn to take a stand on bilingual ed," Feb. 5).
One Lopez supporter is quoted as being against "Spanish only" classes but in
favor of classes in "both Spanish and English." Her children,
she said, were ready for regular all-English instruction after a few years of
bilingual education and are now fully bilingual.
Very few people support Spanish-only classes. California State University
researcher Steven Lee recently reported that only 3% of Latino parents with
children in bilingual education programs thought school should be in Spanish
only; 76% said both languages should be used in the classroom.
In quality bilingual programs, English is introduced the first day, and subject
matter is taught in English as soon as it can be made comprehensible. The first
language is used in ways that accelerate English language development.
"Spanish-only" is not bilingual education.
Contrary to the claim made in a related article ("Lopez walloped in schools
recall vote, " Feb. 5) students do not acquire English "slowly" in bilingual
programs. Study after study shows that children in bilingual programs usually
acquire English faster than children in all-English immersion programs, and at
worst progress just as quickly.
Stephen Krashen
Emeritus Professor of Education, USC
Lee, S. (1999).The Linguistic Minority Parents' Perception of Bilingual
Education. Bilingual Research Journal 23 (2,3): 199-210.
Original articles can be found at:
Your editorial made several excellent points concerning
English-language education in Taiwan ("A lot to learn about teaching
English," Jan. 7, page 8). You placed the blame, for example, squarely on
the teaching methods and the emphasis on
memorization. You also made a good suggestion as to how to use foreign
teachers to train our local teachers. I would like to
add a few cents of my own.
Sent to Education Week, Jan 8, 2003
Latinos speak English quite well
In English-Learners & Immigrants, Language Trends (January 8, 2003), Ed Week
reported that according to the recent Pew
National Survey of Latinos, forty percent of Latino adults living in the US
"haven't learned English."
Ed Week readers might be interested in some of the details. Only 11% said they
could not carry out a conversation at all in
English, with 29% saying they could converse "a little" and 60% reporting they
could converse "pretty well" or "very well."
This figure is very close to the results of the last US Census: The Census
reported that only 8% of Spanish-speakers in the US
could not speak English at all, a figure nearly identical to the percentages for
speakers of other languages. It is crucial to
understand that these figures include newcomers, as well as those who do not
have the opportunity to attend ESL classes. As
Ed Week notes, almost all second-generation Hispanics are comfortable with
English, as are those who arrived in the US before
age ten. Spanish-speakers are acquiring English rapidly and well.
Stephen KrashenPh.D.
Emeritus Professor
Sent to the Taipei Times, January 12, 2003
To the editor:
The Taipei Times points out that the problems in English language teaching in
Taiwan have to do with methodology and suggests that
foreign teachers might be helpful to" train local teachers" and "compile
teaching materials " ("A lot to learn about teaching English," January
7, 2003). I am very familiar with Taiwanese scholarship in foreign language
teaching. I have attended the last two meetings of the English
Teachers' Association of Taiwan and have read the proceedings of all meetings
held since 1993. There is just as much expertise in language
teaching in Taiwan as there is anywhere in the world. There is no need to bring
in foreigners, often from monolingual countries that do not
support bilingualism, with little knowledge of the local situation. I agree that
with the Times that methodology can be improved, but I
suggest that the Ministry of Education first take advantage of its own experts.
Stephen KrashenPh.D.
Emeritus Professor, University of Southern California
Sent to the Los Angeles Times, Jan 5
The Times' discussion of the "bilingual ed battle" (January 4) failed to mention
why so many parents
remain enthusiastic about bilingual education: It works. Their positive
experiences are backed up by a
great deal of scientific research: Study after study shows that children in
well-organized bilingual
programs often acquire more English than those in immersion, and at worst
acquire just as much.
The Times also failed to mention why bilingual education works: Bilingual
education does more than
simply keeping children from falling behind while they learn English. Bilingual
programs do several things
to help children acquire English.
They develop literacy in the first language: Developing literacy in the first
language is a shortcut to
English literacy. It is much easier to learn to read in a language the child
understands, and once the
child can read in the primary language, reading ability transfers rapidly to
They teach subject matter in the first language: Teaching subject matter in the
first language
stimulates intellectual development and provides valuable knowledge that will
help the child understand
instruction when it is presented in English, which accelerates English-language
High-quality bilingual programs also introduce English from the first day in the
form of English as a
Second Language classes, and they teach academic subjects in English as soon as
instruction can be
made comprehensible.
The Times own analysis revealed that many people voted for Prop. 227 because
"English is so
important." These voters did not realize that bilingual education does an
excellent job in helping
children acquire English.
Stephen KrashenPh.D.
Emeritus Professor
Sent to the Arizona Republic, Dec. 7, 2002
Duke Beattie's letter ("End
the 'language welfare,' " Dec. 7) shows a poor understanding of bilingual
education. Learning English is a priority in such programs because American
immigrants want their children to learn English. Quality bilingual education
programs teach English from day one.
Math, science and social studies are taught in English and in the child's native
language. Does bilingual education help teach English faster and more
effectively than English-only instruction? Check last year's Stanford 9 scores
for English learners in the elementary grades, where most bilingual education
programs are found. While the majority of the state is now using English-only
instruction to educate English learners (as it always has), most Tucson parents
have demanded waivers allowing their children to acquire English using bilingual
education. As a result, Tucson's English learners match or exceed the English
learner state average in English tests of reading, language and math. Our
parents support bilingual education because, as America's corporations have
already figured out, strong English skills combined with strong Spanish skills
produce greater opportunities. If Mr. Beatti wants to limit his own children to
a monolingual life, that's his choice.
--Sal Gabaldón
Sent to the Christian Science Monitor, December 3, 2002
"Bilingual education is bad because English is important" is an invalid argument.
John Hewko opposes bilingual education so we can "Keep
the US English speaking" (December 3, 2002). Mr. Hewko is an
accomplished scholar, currently a Visiting Scholar at the Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace. He should know that a central goal of
education is English language development. He should also know that study
after study has shown that bilingual education meets this goal:
Students in bilingual programs often do better than those in English-only
programs on tests of English. At worst, they do just as
well. This information has appeared very often in the professional
literature, and is immediately available when one types in "bilingual
education" on any search engine. Mr. Hewko is free to disagree with the
results of this research, but he cannot ignore it.
Stephen Krashen, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor
Published in The Arizona Republic Dec. 2, 2002 http://www.arizonarepublic.com/opinions/articles/1202monlet024.html
Bilingual ed letter flawed
Dec. 2, 2002
Johanna Haver's letter on bilingual education is not supported by all the
research available on the subject ("Bad news for bilingual ed
fans," Nov. 25).
She's basing her views on one or two flawed research studies that fit those
Bilingual education, in fact, has held up to high scrutiny when evaluated on the
basis of properly defined bilingual education
programs. Haver gives the false impression that the academic community supports
immersion, even though the academic research is
solidly in favor of bilingual education.
So she's wrong on two counts: Not only does the academic community support
bilingual education, but the academic research supports those who support
bilingual education.
-Gabie Gedlaman
Sent to the Rocky Mountain News, November 27, 2002
Joe Chavez ("It is Latino students who will pay price," letters, Nov. 25) may be
surprised to know that studies show
bilingual education students drop out less than those in all-English programs.
Many use the word “bilingual” for the ills
encountered in our society. Chavez mentions in his letter the “Hispanic leaders”
have misled their community. I argue that
many non Hispanic leaders have tried to keep the growing Hispanic community
down, while always celebrating their
Chavez writes: “Now, here is the challenge to the bilingual bureaucrats: put up
or shut up.” The California Dept. of
Education states that 1,034,073 English immersed students (2 to 11 grades only)
have failed to become mainstreamed after
more than one year of Chavez desired law. English immersion has shown a 93%
failure rate in California after five years.
“Bilingual bureaucrats” is a better phrase than some which bilingual educators
have been called in the past. Ron Unz has
called us everything from “vampires” to “educational terrorist”. Now it is time
for the “English for the Children” movement
to shut up. Please stop promoting a failed system of English which pushes
students to drop out to our community without
language nor academic skills.
Denis O’Leary
Sent to the Mercury News, November 24, 2002
Ricardo Pimentel claimed that the facts favor bilingual education
(Opinion, Nov. 20). Ron Unz (letters, Nov 24) responded by
characterizing Pimental's column as "ignorant" and accuses Pimental of not
"explaining" the facts.
Here are the facts, Ron: When bilingual and English-only are compared in
scientific studies, children in bilingual education often acquire English
faster; at worst, they do just as well. Nearly every scholar who has reviewed
the research holds this view. The most recent review was done by Jay Greene, who
used more precise statistical tools than previous scholars. Greene concluded
that "efforts to eliminate the use of the native language in instruction ...
harm children by denying them access to beneficial approaches." The efficacy of
bilingual education was confirmed in the latest major study: D. K. Oller and R.
Eilers' exhaustive report, Language and Literacy in Bilingual Children, showed
that children in bilingual programs in
Miami were equal to immersion children in English after five years, and much
better in their native language.
Unz claims that test scores have doubled for English learners in California
since Prop. 227 passed, but have not changed in districts that kept bilingual
education. False. Stanford researcher Kenji Hakuta has reported that scores
increased in districts that kept bilingual education, thanks to waivers. They
also increased in districts that never did bilingual education. This shows that
Prop. 227 deserves no credit for test score increases in California.
As usual, Unz substitutes insults for hard facts.
Stephen Krashen, Ph.D.
Emeitus Professor of Education
University of Southern California
Published in the Rocky Mountain News, November 21, 2002 http://www.rockymountainnews.com/drmn/opinion/article/0,1299,DRMN_38_1558822,00.html
Columnist has it all wrong about 31
I may not represent the typical voter who voted against Amendment 31, but in my
case, at least, News columnist Mike
Rosen has it all wrong ("Amendment 31: Round 2," Nov. 8).
The problem with the amendment was not the concept of English immersion, but how
that was to be implemented. The first strike
against the amendment was that it required a change to the state Constitution.
Education reforms such as this are not
constitutional issues.
Its second fault lay in the fact that it eliminated choice. Not all students
learn the same way, and both teachers and parents still
need to have a choice in how children are taught and how they learn.
Finally, the imposition of legal liability for using alternate teaching methods
is ridiculous. Since when do we seek to punish those
selfless people who strive to educate our children?
James W. Mulholland
Published in the Rocky Mountain News, November 21, 2002
31's foes must now shore up bilingual ed
I would like to thank the many people who worked so hard to defeat Amendment 31
and voted to keep the bilingual option for
children in Colorado, and to keep punitive provisions aimed at teachers out of
our Constitution.
Although we can all be proud of having rejected Amendment 31, much work remains
to be done on this issue. For example, we
need to ensure that existing bilingual programs are strengthened and improved,
and that viable and effective options are offered for
parents who believe that immersion would work for their children.
David Russi
Sent to the Indianapolis Star, November 19, 2002
Re: Bilingual ed moving toward extinction (Nov. 16)
The Indianapolis Star is badly uninformed. The scientific research is very
supportive of bilingual education.
Study after study shows that children in bilingual programs acquire English very
well equaling or exceeding those in all-English
programs. Nearly every scholar who has reviewed the research has agreed with
this conclusion. The most recent review of this
research, by Jay Greene of the Manhattan Institute, found that use of the native
language has positive effects and that "efforts
to eliminate the use of the native language in instruction ... harm children by
denying them access to beneficial approaches."
Dismantling bilingual education does not deserve credit for rising test scores
in California; scores increased in districts that kept
bilingual education, because of waivers, as well as in districts that never did
bilingual education.
Students do not "languish" in bilingual programs for years: Most who start in
kindergarten acquire enough English to do
regular classwork in the mainstream in less than three years.
Children in bilingual programs drop out less, not more, than those in Engish-only
There is no evidence that graduates of bilingual education earn less than those
who did English-only. The study that claimed
this was so defined bilingual education as excluding all English instruction.
All well-organized bilingual programs introduce
English on the first day and teach academic subject matter in English as soon as
it can be made comprehensible.
I urge the Star to review the scientific research carefully, and not to rely
only on press releases from organizations hostile to
bilingual education.
Stephen Krashen, Ph.D.
Emeitus Professor of Education
University of Southern California
Published in the Denver Post November 17, 2002.
A stormy season for Latinos
This year's political season for Latinos was a particularly stormy one. For
decades individuals have forecasted a brighter future for Latinos, but in
reality, it has been quite gloomy.
The two ballot issues involving the elimination of bilingual education and the
creation of a Cesar Chavez holiday are excellent indicators of the progress
Latinos have made within the American society. These ballot issues were not just
legal words, but a vote on how Colorado views Latinos.
The votes against bilingual education and the Cesar Chavez holiday reflect an
attitude toward Latinos that few wish to confront. This was
especially evident during the recent immigration debates. This year's election
has challenged the illusions of Latino progress and highlighted
the great extent of the anti-Latino sentiment that continues to run rampant in
America. The Latino community must honestly interpret the
election results - and realize that being complacent in the struggle for
equality will never bring about significant change.
Published in the Rocky Mountain News November 15, 2002
Rosen's not listening: Voters rejected 31
It's well-known that Mike Rosen is not a good listener. He regularly slams the
phone down on his talk-show callers and, as
usual, he is turning a deaf ear to the facts involving Amendment 31 ("Amendment
31: Round 2," Nov. 8).
He's not listening to the Colorado voters - they rejected Amendment 31. He wants
to take it to the state legislature anyway.
He's not listening to the parents who prefer local control and choice for their
own children. He'd rather put it all in the hands of
the government.
And, most important, he's not listening to the facts about bilingual education.
The goal of bilingual education is to teach English.
Studies show that students who have had bilingual education are less likely to
drop out than those who did all-English programs
and they usually acquire English better than those in immersion programs. Mike
Rosen would rather follow in the footsteps of
California where Proposition 227 has failed to come anywhere near meeting the
expectations of the voters who passed it.
Mike Rosen might not be listening, but I am grateful that Colorado voters tuned
in to students, parents and teachers across the
state when they soundly rejected Amendment 31.
Shelley Flanagan
Sent to the Boston Globe November 2, 2002
Subject: "Dozens of dialects, English the goal" (Boston Globe, 10/31/02)
In "Dozens of dialects, English the goal" (Boston Globe, 10/31/02), reporter
Megan Tench presented the the arguments for and against Question-2, as if they
were of equal legitimacy. This is misleading and suggests that the issue boils
down to a matter of trade-offs. As a immigrant entering this country as a third
grader, I was deeply moved by Elena Shpilevoy's description of her two years of
isolation as she
struggled to learn enough English to both engage the curriculum and make
friends. I found statements of endorsers Coin and Carlin glib, self-serving and
unpersuasive--especially since their confidence is predicated on the assumption
that the problem is speaking a foreign language, rather than using that language
as an asset for acquiring academic English. The medical tenet, "first, do no
harm," seems appropriate here. Yet, I fear that too many Massachusetts voters
will slip on this snake oil on Tuesday and plunge the state into the
bad-old-days of English immersion, which denied so many of their parents and
grandparents a high school diploma.
Later in the article, Ms. Tench cites findings from Harvard's Immigration
Project indicating that 90 percent of families wanted their children to learn
English. This is comes as no surprise to anyone engaged in building children's
literacy skills in two languages (i.e,, the essence of bi-lingual education).
Consequently, the abrupt leap into chiding bilingual advocates, as if we had
somehow forgotten this, was
both unnecessary and unfair. We might add that results of a recent AOL Time
Warner Foundation study of 6000 US adults found a whopping 95 percent support
for bilingual education among Latino respondents.
Despite years of empirical research examining the efficacy of various
second-language acquisition models, proponents of Question-2 are fond of linking
"bilingual education" to the word "failed" in their literature and public
statements. Asked for proof of their claims for structured immersion, they
produce vague anecdotes, spurious counter-charges or statistics telling half (or
less) of the story. They are at a loss to
explain how 80 percent of the students enrolled in Boston classrooms using this
"failed experiment" transition into mainstream classrooms within three-years--at
three times the annual rate of California students floundering in English-only
classrooms since 1998.
Recently, Question-2 supporters have discovered disparities in the resources,
teacher qualifications and general classroom conditions challenging effective
bilingual instruction. Ah-ha, they say, all the more reason to scrap these
"failed experiments." But no advocate for bilingual instruction has ever claimed
that these programs were immune to the problems plaguing mainstream classrooms
in urban school districts. Our bilingual students are also challenged by
learning disabilities, emotional problems and family situations resulting in
lost class days. We do the best we can in a climate of shrinking revenues and
rising political hostility toward immigrant families. Using the illogic of
Unz-Tamayo, should we perhaps consider scrapping courses in history and
Berta Berriz
Jamaica Plain, MA.
Published in the Rocky Mountain News November 1, 2002
English immersion would be bad policy
I'm willing to believe that English immersion is a great way for a certain
portion of students to learn English, but Amendment 31 is
a perfect example of a good idea wrapped in a poorly-written policy. As a
result, I can't vote for it.
Were the amendment to mandate the addition of immersion to the current
curriculum, I would have no problem supporting it.
Unfortunately, the amendment mandates the elimination of all other programs,
some of which work best for some students. Plus,
I don't believe curriculum should be dictated by the state Constitution.
The killer, however, is the outright malicious penalties written into the
amendment. Teachers are already this state's favorite
scapegoats, and the addition of the measure's harsh penalties is completely
Had the pro-31 team put forth an amendment that just added immersion as a
choice, it would have my vote. Because it goes
way too far, I cannot support it.
Jim Burness
Sent to the Wall Street Journal, October 31, 2002
To the editor:
Re: Hable Usted Ingles? (October 31)
Wealthy Anglophone Ron Unz has personally bankrolled anti-bilingual education
campaigns in four states. He now
accuses Pat Stryker of using her money to "drown out the concerns of poor
Hispanics," referring to her as an
"Anglophone billionaire heiress" and "Mrs. Moneybags," because she donated a
large sum of money to the effort to
defeat an Unz-sponsored initiative in Colorado.
In addition to this being an obvious case of the pot calling the kettle black,
Unz' accusation ignores the fact that
63% of Hispanic voters in California voted against dismantling bilingual
education, and a number of studies have
shown that parents of children in bilingual education understand and support it.
Stephen Krashen, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor
University of Southern California
Sent to the Bay State Banner (Massachusetts) October 28, 2002
Dear Editor:
I am writing in response your October 24 2002 editorial on the ballot questions.
In particular, I am concerned about
your remarks on Question-2: “A compromise between the two systems [bilingual
versus English-immersion instruction]
seems promising.” This observation is misleading suggesting that the crux of the
matter is a disagreement over two
legitimate approaches to teaching practice. As a longtime community activist and
student of public policy, let me
assure you and your readers that no such equivalence exists.
Question-2, a.k.a. the “Unz Initiative,” is the brainchild of Ron Unz, a man who
believes that cultural assimilation is
the only road to success for people of color in this country; and that the main
barrier to assimilation is our stubborn
insistence on remembering (and honoring) our histories, cultures and, yes,
languages. Unz, a white Silicon Valley
millionaire with no children, no background in teaching, no proficiency in any
language but English, and no direct
experience with the conditions and challenges facing immigrants, has bankrolled
a national crusade against bilingual
education. However, beneath its rhetorical concern for the children, the Unz
Initiative is a racist, anti-immigrant and
thoroughly undemocratic assault on English-language learners.
Let me explain why this is so--and why African American voters, in particular,
must reject this simplistic and
destructive proposal.
The hidden public policy question is whether a child has the right to learn in a
language s-he understands, while also
developing their proficiency in English? We must appreciate how the apparent
“normalcy” of English-language
acquisition among native-born Americans ignores the significant distinction
between casual, “playground,” English
and the language of the classroom, of the MCAS and the SATs. The
English-immersion strategy doesn’t comprehend
this distinction. At stake are proven teaching practices that will recognize and
use a student’s cultural assets as the
foundation for developing new academic competencies.
We also need to be aware of how racism and anti-immigrant assumptions drive the
demands for cultural assimilation
and English-only instruction. History instructs that, along with their liberty,
enslaved Africans were purposely deprived
of their languages, cultures and opportunities for learning. And, since language
is a key aspect of cultural identity, its
destruction served as an effective means of enforcing our subordinated status
for generations.
Finally, we must recognize the fundamentally undemocratic character of the
electoral process, which actively
encourages a “tyranny of the majority” imposing the will of white, middleclass
suburbanites (lacking any direct
knowledge of the issue) on a minority denied any real voice in the matter. We’ve
all been there before.
There is no question of a compromise here. To even consider supporting
Question-2 requires African Americans in
Boston to turn their backs on our Ancestors. I encourage my black sisters and
brothers to support our brown and yellow
cousins by voting “no” on Question-2.
Ty dePass, co-chair,
Education Committee for the District-7 Roundtable
Published in the Denver Post, October 27, 2002
Ill-conceived, rigid, Draconian
Amendment 31 is ill-conceived policy. Because it is, we - the board of the
Public Education & Business Coalition, a partnership of leaders from business
and education whose mission is to cultivate excellence in public schools - urge
voters to say "no" to 31.
Business has a vested interest in all students learning English quickly and
well, but Amendment 31 will create many more problems than it will solve because
of two fatal flaws.
First, it imposes a rigid requirement that no student may be given help in
learning English for more than a single school year. It thus prescribes a
"one-size-fits-all" policy that unfairly treats all children as if they were
equally adept at learning a new language.
Second, it allows a parent to sue an educator who agrees to the parent's request
for a waiver from the requirement that students spend no more than nine months
learning English. The absurdity of penalizing educators for doing precisely what
a parent asks them to do is compounded by Draconian penalties, including a ban
on teaching or holding office for five years. Worse yet, Amendment 31 prohibits
educators from carrying insurance to protect themselves.
Ask yourself: Who will choose to be a teacher, principal, superintendent or
school board member if the person's career and even personal life may be ruined
by a lawsuit that Amendment 31 not only permits, but also denies him or her the
financial ability to defend against?
We rarely take a stand on election issues, but because this amendment is so
destructive, we urge Coloradans to vote "no" on Amendment 31. It's bad for
business, bad for schools and bad for children.
GEORGE SPARKS, Chair, Board of Directors
Public Education & Business Coalition
Sent to the New York Times, October 27, 2002
Re: The problem with bilingual education (letter, October 27)
Ron Unz incorrectly claims that California test scores increased because of Prop
227, which dismantled bilingual education. Scores have increased for all
students in California since 227 passed, including districts that kept bilingual
education because of waivers, and districts that never did bilingual education.
Unz claims that bilingual ed has failed in Texas because fewer than half of the
immigrant children are tested in English after four years. What counts is how
children in bilingual education perform compared to children in other programs.
Research shows that children in bilingual programs acquire English as least as
quickly as children in all-English programs.
Unz falsely asserts that theory calls for five to seven years of schooling
mostly in the first language. According to current bilingual education theory
(and practice) English is introduced the first day in the form of ESL classes.
Academic subjects are taught in English as soon as they can made comprehensible.
Most children who begin bilingual education at kindergarten acquire enough
English to do regular classwork in English in three years or less.
Stephen Krashen, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor
Sent to the Denver Post October 25, 2002
Dear Editor:
Of all of the recent letters and editorials about Amendment 31 and Bilingual
Education, I found Kenneth Noonan's to be the most
offensive, and inaccurate.
Mr. Noonan states that bilingual programs teach "almost exclusively" in
non-English languages for three years. Maybe in California, not
in Colorado.
Every district and school in Colorado with a bilingual program begins teaching
English on the first day of school, and increases the amount
of English taught every year. There are NO Spanish only schools in Colorado.
Further, after three years in Colorado schools, 54% of all second language
learners (no matter what program they have been in) have
become proficient in English.
This is much better than in Mr. Noonan's own school district in California.
There, after four years of English Immersion, 99% of the
limited English proficient students are still classified as limited in English.
Funny, Mr. Noonan didn't mention in his article that
second language learners in his district in California are behind Colorado
children in their acquisition of English.
Finally, Mr. Noonan states that bilingual education is a cause for the high
Hispanic drop-out rate. This could not possibly be true.
In 2000-2001 there were 159,600 Hispanic students in Colorado schools. During
that same year, there were 19,391 Spanish speaking
Hispanics in some form of bilingual education. The vast majority of Hispanics in
Colorado are: 1) English speaking and 2) Have never
been in bilingual education. Bilingual education is not the cause of the
Hispanic drop-out rate. It may, though, be one of the cures.
Being from California, I guess we could not expect Mr. Noonan to know about
Colorado schools, and how different they are from California. He should come to
Colorado to visit, we'd be happy to teach him.
Kathy Escamilla
Associate Professor of Education
University of Colorado, Boulder
Sent to the Lowell Sun (Massachusetts) October 25, 2002
To the editor:
The Sun quotes Ken Noonan ("California scores shape bilingual debate," October
24) as saying that
when Proposition 227 passed in California, the Oceanside district in California
dropped bilingual
education, embraced all-English, and test scores went up. But before we conclude
that immersion
is better than bilingual education, we should consider the following:
* Stanford professor Kenji Hakuta and his associates have shown that gains for
Oceanside's English
learners were similar to gains made in many California schools that retained
bilingual education.
* The bilingual program that Oceanside dropped was a poor one. In an article in
the Washington
Post (Sept. 2, 2000), Noonan confirmed that Oceanside's bilingual program taught
only in Spanish
until grades five or six. Properly organized bilingual programs introduce
English the first day, and
teach subject matter in English as soon as it can be made comprehensible. An
article in the San
Diego Union Tribune (October 5, 2000) confirmed suspicions that Oceanside's
pre-Prop 227 efforts
were dismal. Before 227, "a lot of students (at Laurel Elementary School) didn't
even have books."
* At the same time Oceanside dropped an inadequate bilingual program, the
district focused nearly
all its energy on test preparation. From the Union Tribune article, one gets the
impression that all
activities unrelated to test preparation were dropped from the school day, such
as field trips and
assemblies, and students spent a great deal of time on practice tests. In
addition, strong carrots
(financial rewards for teachers if test scores went up) and sticks (threats of
school closure if scores
went down) were instituted by the state.
It should also be pointed out that real research published in respectable
scientific journals, not media
reports or press releases, consistently shows that students in properly
organized bilingual programs
acquire at least as much English as comparison students in all-English programs,
and usually acquire
Oceanside's gains do not demonstrate that immersion is better than bilingual
Stephen Krashen, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor
Published in the Union-News, October 24, 2002
Jackson St. School Council opposes bilingual initiative
The Jackson St. School Council, which is made up of teachers, parents, principal
and community members, urges a "no" vote on Question 2. We strongly object to
the divisive and confusing ballot initiative, in which voters will decide the
educational future of linguistic minority children in Massachusetts.
We are concerned that voters do not understand that learning English is one of
bilingual education's primary goals, and that bilingual education is more
effective than English-only instruction in preparing students for the same level
of academic work as their native English-speaking peers.
A "yes" vote on Question 2 would condemn our bilingual children to only one year
of "English immersion," after which they would be placed in a mainstream
classroom to "sink or swim." Professional educators and researchers are clear
that one year of language training will help a child learn conversational
English, but certainly not the kind of academic language necessary for school.
As parents of children at Jackson St. School, we value the multicultural and
multilingual diversity of our children. Those of us who are monolingual English
speakers hope our own children will learn Spanish. We certainly don't want
Spanish-speaking children to be told they can't use their first language for
As teachers, we believe that our professional training and experience should be
respected. The threat of personal lawsuits for teaching a child in a language
they can understand, as proposed in Question 2, is reprehensible.
As community members, we recognize that it is in our interest to provide the
best possible learning environment for all children. We hope that local voters
will join us on Nov. 5 and soundly reject Question 2. Vote "no" on Question 2.
SUSAN FINK, HOLLY GHAZEY For the Jackson St. School Council
Sent to the Denver Post October 23, 2002
Dear Editor,
As a former Coloradan, I continue to follow issues in the state. And Wow!
Speaking of whoppers, that was some column about bilingual education that
Knight wrote. I realize columnists don't have to operate under the same
standards of non-bias as reporters, but that doesn't excuse him from not
exercising some ethics. He engages in the same sort of ignorance baiting that he
accuses bilingual
proponents of.
He writes,
"The first is that the amendment will deprive students of needed instruction.
The opposite is true. The amendment requires that English learners be given
English instruction. The amendment's core purpose is to make sure this
instruction is in English."
In this claim, the first two sentences are completely antithetical to the last
two. How much biology, science, history, geography or anything else could most
Coloradans learn if it were taught completely in Swahili? Not much. Why would we
think that is any different for children? Study after study demonstrates that
children in English immersion fall behind academically.
Knight goes on to argue, "[English immersion] is not revolutionary.
Non-English-speaking students from scores of countries already receive
instruction in English." Does the simple fact that something happens
automatically make it desireable?
Continuing this argument, Knight explains, "What Amendment 31 would do is
require the same type of instruction for thousands of Spanish-speaking students,
mostly from Mexico, who are currently being taught in Spanish. The amendment's
opponents haven't said much about why a teaching technique that works for
students from other countries can't work with students whose native language is
Spanish." Nevertheless, just because we cannot provide the more effective
program for all students does not mean we should deny it to some. To take a
medical analogy, we can't cure all types of cancer, but that doesn't mean we
just let all cancer sufferers die needlessly.
Then Knight finally makes a credible point: "Nor have [bilingual proponents]
argued that the English immersion technique doesn't work." I agree. Bilingual
proponents should be focusing on the fact that English immersion tends not to be
as effective as bilingual education. After all, the great bulk of empirical
research supports this claim as do the dismal results in California. This is not
to say, however, that we should take the opposite route of Amendment 31 and make
English immersion nearly impossible for parents to choose for their children
(which it does for bilingual education). English immersion is effective for many
children and many parents would, I am sure, choose it. They
should have it. Why shouldn't the opposite be true as well?
John E. Petrovic
a former Coloradan
Published in the Union-News, October 22, 2002
ESL programs are effective; don't vote to abolish them Proponents of Question 2
who claim to understand bilingual education and
who describe bilingual education programs as teaching students Spanish rather
than English are engaged in a deliberate deception.
Whatever problems may exist in some Spanish Transitional Bilingual Education
programs, this description takes one extreme form of a bilingual education
program and presents it as the whole ball of wax.
In Massachusetts, "bilingual education" is an umbrella term that covers a
diverse group of English language acquisition programs.
The ESL programs that exist in many school systems under this umbrella do
nothing but teach English in English. They are themselves a counter example to
the arguments deployed in support of Question 2.
ESL programs are provably successful. Students who test into these programs with
limited English proficiency come to function at grade level by passing through a
program that continuously decreases their time in ESL English classes and
increases their time in mainstream English classes until they can succeed on
their own in all academic areas.
It can't be done any faster (in the school setting) than these programs do it,
as residents of California are now finding out.
These programs minimize the disruption that can occur in mainstream classes for
mainstream students if teachers take the time to
accommodate language learners while also attempting normal subject instruction.
In this way, they do a service to the entire school community. These programs
need to be retained - by defeating Question 2.
Published in the Denver Post, October 22, 2002
Original URL:
Dropout reasons
Mr. Knight's arguments for Amendment 31 were persuasive. Too bad they weren't
based in fact. He cited Hispanic dropout rates as evidence of the failure of
bilingual education.
Low graduation rates for Hispanic students are certainly reason for concern, but
are not the result of bilingual education. Published research demonstrates that
a variety of factors influence dropout rates. Students are more likely to
graduate if they come from wealthier
families, have lived in the U.S. for longer periods of time, have access to
printed materials in the home, live with both parents, have parents who monitor
their homework and avoid teen pregnancy. Unfortunately, Hispanic children, when
compared to white non-Hispanic
children, fare worse in these categories. When research controls for these
factors, Hispanic dropout rates match those for other groups.
No credible studies have identified bilingual education as a risk factor for
dropping out of school. In fact, research suggests that children in bilingual
programs drop out less than English-only students.
There are many ways we could improve graduation rates for Hispanic students.
Eliminating educational opportunities doesn't make the list, nor does it make
any sense. Vote no on 31.
Published in the Denver Post, October 22, 2002
Original URL:
Whose deceipt?
Re: "Bilingual deception," Oct. 13 Al Knight column.
Al Knight is the latest victim of the misinformation wars surrounding bilingual
ed. His claim that the high Latino dropout rate proves bilingual ed's failure is
ludicrous, given that less than 20 perent of all Latinos have ever been in any
bilingual program. What's more, a
recent survey of young Latinos who did drop out indicated that only 13 percent
had ever been in bilingual ed. That means 87 percent of dropouts have been in
English-only classes.
The data from California further illustrate the failure of total English
immersion. Only 4 percent of high-school students in English immersion programs
scored proficient in reading, and the achievement gap between English speakers
and English learners has steadily increased since English immersion was mandated
there. After four years of English immersion, close to 70 percent of English
learners still haven't been placed in regular English classes because they
aren't even close to the skills of their English-speaking peers. But don't worry
- according to Al, once we get rid of bilingual ed, we in Colorado will be able
to do in nine months what California hasn't accomplished in four years. Yeah,
right, Al. Bilingual deception, indeed - except who's deceiving whom?
Rocky Mountain Deaf School
October 20, 2002
Published in the Vail Daily, October 20,2002
Student against 31
Mary Ramirez, Student, Battle Mountain High School
Can Amendment 31 be a good thing? As a Latina in this country, I know that
Amendment 31 will do nothing good for students.
I was born in Dallas, Texas, and was raised right on the border of El Paso,
Texas, and Mexico. As a little girl I knew only Spanish and most of my friends
knew the same language as well, and none of us were immigrants. There were some
kids in our community who spoke Spanish and English because their parents wanted
them to be more productive in life and speak two languages.
So, because I didn't speak English back then, am I supposed to believe all the
money the school spent on all of its Latinos was a waste of money? Of course
I'm not going to be a high school dropout. I have college plans and so do my
friends back in Texas. Some of my friends are already in college. So be careful
with what you vote for if you vote for Amendment 31.
For example, in section 18 parts D-F, it states the following:
D) The public schools of Colorado do an inadequate job of educating immigrant
children, wasting financial resources on costly experimental native language
programs whose failure over past decades is demonstrated by the current high
dropout rates and low English literacy levels of many immigrant children.
For starters, not all these children are immigrants. They're regular students.
So stop calling them that, because at one point all of you might have been, too.
This money is not going to waste because these students are learning.
Furthermore, they don't even get that much money because there aren't that many
Spanish speaking kids in school compared to the rest of the student body.
Note one thing: not all of high school dropouts are Hispanics. There are also
other demographics that contribute to that number. So what's their excuse?
Hispanics who drop out mostly do it because they don't understand what they are
doing in the English language. Putting a time limit on these students and more
pressure is not going to help.
E) Young immigrant children can easily acquire full fluency in a new language,
such as English, if they are heavily exposed to that language in the classroom
at an early age. Yeah, one year is enough if you're like in first grade when
your vocabulary is not that expanded. But in high school your vocabulary is huge
and to learn a new language in one year, that's not just stupid, it's
F) Therefore it is resolved that: all children in Colorado public schools shall
be taught English rapidly and effectively as possible. Now, no one is arguing
that kids need to learn English as fast as they can, but a year is not going to
do. The reality is you need to give these students time.
Amendment 31, in a way, judges us by the language we speak. The people who
support this amendment are not living up to the standards of the U.S, where it
is said to be the land of opportunity.
So don't get on these students' cases. Give them a chance. Your ancestors got a
chance, and thanks to them you're here. These kids want to learn and they will,
if given the time. If you've never tried to talk to these students, try it some
time. They have as much, or sometimes, even more potential than your average
English-speaking teen-ager. All they need is encouragement. They are grateful
for the help they get, so don't vote yes on this amendment. You would be taking
away that little push they have from their teachers and friends. They are happy
to be in class and to have a chance.
Sent to the Rocky Mountain News, October 20, 2002
In agreement with the Rocky Mountain News ("The downfall of Amendment 31,"
October 20) I am opposed to instruction that remains mostly in the first
language for years and that delays the acquisition of English. But I am in favor
of quality bilingual education.
Good bilingual programs use the first language in a way that accelerates English
language development. This happens in two ways: Good bilingual programs teach
subject matter in the first language in early stages. The knowledge that
students gain this way helps them understand subject matter when it is taught in
English, which means faster English language development. These programs also
provide literacy development in the first language, which is a short-cut to
English literacy. It is much easier to learn to read in a language one
understands, and once one learns to read in any language, much of this ability
transfers to the second language.
Quality bilingual programs also introduce English the first day and teach
subject matter in English as soon as it can be made
Nearly every scholar who has reviewed the scientific research has concluded that
bilingual education works. The most recent review, by Jay Greene of the
Manhattan Institute, found that use of the native language has positive effects
on English language development and that "efforts to eliminate the use of the
native language in instruction ... harm children by denying them access to
beneficial approaches."
Stephen Krashen, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor, University of Southern California.
Published in the Boston Globe, October 20, 2002
Original URL:
Allow a child to learn in her first language
TUESDAY'S ARTICLE about bilingual education made passing reference to some key
pedagogical points that the
advocates of Question 2 ignore and that bilingual education experts have
affirmed through long experience and
research (''Immersed in debate,'' City & Region, Oct. 15). These points deserve
to be highlighted, for they give us
good reason to vote ''no'' on this destructive ballot initiative.
First, proficiency in conversational English, which can be gained quite quickly
by young children simply through
exposure, is not the same as proficiency in the level of English needed to
succeed academically, which takes much
longer to develop. Even though a child may have learned sufficient English to
speak it well, if she is forced
prematurely into an all-English classroom, she will not be able to keep up with
her native English-speaking peers and
may well be set up for failure.
Second, children have a much better chance at academic success if they learn
basic skills in their native language.
Once a child learns to read, for example, in his first language, that skill is
easily transferrable to a second. A child who
is forced to learn to read in a language with which he is not yet comfortable or
familiar has much less chance of
success and could well end up struggling with literacy all through school.
As the parent of two immigrant children whose native language is not English, I
have seen the damage done by
well-meaning attempts at English immersion as well as the blossoming that occurs
when a child is allowed to learn in
her first language. Despite its deceptive slogan, ''English for the children,''
Question 2's attempts to abolish bilingual
education will not help immigrant youngsters.
Denying children the opportunity to learn in their native language while
becoming proficient in English will ensure
that a great many fail to learn at all, and our whole society will be the poorer
for it.
Published in the Boston Globe, October 20, 2002
Original URL:
Language of competition in the marketplace
JEFF JACOBY sounds presumptuous in his Oct. 3 op-ed page column. How can he know
how all Hispanics feel?
However, he is right that English immersion may be the best alternative in
bilingual education.
Teaching immigrants in their own language ensures that they remain behind in
American schools. Both our children
learned English from their babysitters and Spanish at home.
We tried but failed to get our daughter into a bilingual program. Our son didn't
have the option.
Without the help of bilingual education and forced to compete with their
monolingual peers, they soon turned
Spanish into their second language. Now college-educated adults, their ability
to speak, read, and write in Spanish
has given them an extra dimension and enhanced their professional
With Americans and immigrants becoming more educated and competitive, the
economic and cultural pie increases
for everyone. For our own children, any education that did not involve
exclusively English would have been a
mistake. Immigrants cannot vote and may not now realize how important the issue
of bilingual education is. Their
children will find out soon enough that the language of competition in the
marketplace is English.
Published in the Boston Globe, October 20, 2002
Original URL:
Shame on Unz and Romney
IF TRANSITIONAL bilingual education is banned in Boston, children who haven't
learned English yet will be taught
math and science in English. They will not learn math or science and will have
trouble all their lives balancing their
checkbooks and calculating the difference between 7 percent and 7.5 percent when
their meager paychecks are taxed
for Social Security.
Shame on Michigan-Utah-Massachusetts millionnaire Mitt Romney and his running
mate for going along with
California millionaire Ron Unz in a plan to deny basic education to children
born in the United States and to recent
immigrants from other countries.
Published in the Boston Globe, October 20, 2002
Original URL:
Bilingual ed is working in Massachusetts
AS A LATINA who is bilingual with two master's degrees and months away from
completing my doctorate, I am tired
of others telling me how I should think and feel, as Jeff Jacoby does in his
Oct. 3 column, ''English 101.''
Equally disturbing are those Latinos who also think that they can speak for the
whole community, such as Lincoln
Tamayo or the head of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.
Is Ron Unz more concerned with his political agenda than the needs of our
students in Massachusetts? Yes. The
comment made at a recent rally at the State House likening him to a Nazi was
unfortunate. But I am fighting
desperately to defeat Question 2 because the teaching of immigrant students is
my passion and because I know it is
bad for our students. I do not fear losing my job. Remember, I am bilingual. I
have a skill in demand throughout the
United States. I can find a job in almost any industry.
I teach because I want immigrant students to have every opportunity I have been
given. I want them to learn English
and succeed. Bilingual education is working in Massachusetts. Get your history
right. Prior to the law of 1971
establishing bilingual education in Massachusetts, we had massive dropout rates
of our English language learners - as
many as 90 percent of Latinos.
Let's have a thoughtful debate about what is best for children and not resort to
misconceptions, half-truths, and hateful
Published in the Boston Globe, October 20, 2002
Original URL:
Parents should make the choice
IN HIS Oct. 3 column, Jeff Jacoby explains his support of English-only education
for the children of Massachusetts
without considering the potential effects of such legislation on the parents of
children who are learning English.
He writes: ''If I were a Hispanic American, I would feel humiliated every time
an automated telephone answering
system prompted me to press 1 for English, 2 for Spanish.''
If Question 2 passes, parents who speak languages other than English (not only
Spanish, but Mandarin, Vietnamese,
Russian, Khmer, Portuguese, and many others), will face true humiliation as they
are informed that they no longer
have the right to choose the best educational option available for their
children. They will not be able to decide
whether to enroll their children in a two-way program, a transitional bilingual
program, or an English immersion
Instead, they will have only one choice: English immersion for one year.
English-speaking parents, on the other hand,
would still be able to choose education in a world language for their children.
This amounts to reprehensible
discrimination against the speakers of other languages.
Question 2 on the ballot next month suggests that its authors are not only
qualified, but obligated, to make choices
that are best left to parents. Proponents of English for the children are
effectively shunning the input of adults who
come to this country in search of a life with more and better options than they
had in their home countries.
As their children pursue the American Dream, these parents will find innumerable
challenges. We owe it to these
parents to sustain and improve a variety of programs, including bilingual
education, so that they, like their
American-born peers, can make the choices that best meet their children's needs.
Speakers of other languages are as able to defend the interests of their
children as speakers of English unless
Massachusetts limits their decision-making power by adopting Question 2.
Published in the Boston Globe, October 20, 2002
Original URL:
Fluent in two languages
TO JEFF JACOBY (op ed, Oct. 3) and others who misuse the word bilingual, I ask,
how many bilingual classrooms
have you visited?
Have you checked out the waiting lists for adults to enroll in English as a
second language classes? Have you read the
opposing views to Rosalie Porter by Stephen Krashen and others?
To be bilingual is to be fluent in two languages. All across the state, children
are studying the academics in their first
language so that they do not fall behind their monolingual English peers while
at the same time they are learning
Most students transition into English-speaking classrooms after two years. They
do not languish in bilingual
classrooms. One approach to learning a language does not fit all. School
districts must have the ability to choose the
right approach for their students. The state Legislature has given school
districts the opportunity to choose by
overhauling the bilingual law. Don't take this away through a ballot initiative.
Published in the Boston Globe, October 20, 2002
Original URL:
Bilingual education is the great tranquilizer
MASSACHUSETTS IS lucky in that we are not the first state where Ron Unz has
attacked the public education system.
Unz managed to impose his English-immersion law in California, and it is a
documented failure. We in Massachusetts
have been forewarned.
I favor bilingual education in the public schools because the American public
school system was created in order to
be the great equalizer. The original goal was that after graduation every
student would be equipped to become part
of the work force. The new goal now is for students also to be equipped to
continue on to higher education. For the
non-English speaking student, the equalizer element in school is the bilingual
program. There are proven models that
work in Canada, Europe, and Asia where the populations are multilingual.
I am not an educator, but I am bilingual and a product of an immersion program.
In my opinion, an effective
bilingual program must provide for a strong English language and English
literature curriculum. After all, the
non-English speaker has had less exposure to academic English than his/her
Having come from an immersion English program, I went through elementary and
middle school with apparent
success. My conversational English skills were excellent.
In high school, I noticed that I was not as skilled in English composition,
vocabulary, and reading comprehension as
my native English-speaking peers. I got lower SAT scores than I ever expected.
College was particularly difficult
because my mastery of the English language was substandard when compared with
that of the average college
It's impossible to provide in just one year the kind of instruction necessary
for successful mastery of the English
language. At the public schools, there needs to be more bilingual education, not
less, and higher standards to
transition the students into the American work force successfully.
Published in the Rocky Mountain News, October 19, 2002
Amendment 31 puts educators in a bind
Let me get this straight: Arizona's equivalent of Colorado's proposed Amendment
31 has resulted in parents suing educators
because a waiver wasn't granted, and now, Colorado's more restrictive, more
punitive amendment will allow parents to sue
educators if a waiver is granted (and then later felt to be a mistake). Talk
about a rock and a hard place - educators can be
sued either way!
Where in America does that make any sense? Not in Colorado. Learn from Arizona's
and California's mistakes. Vote no on 31.
Chris Cameron
Published in the Arizona Daily Star, October 19, 2002
Original URL:
Bilingual education works very well
Jeff Jacoby's Oct. 5 column "Immersion best way to learn English" was misleading.
He cited two "sterling" sources for the "failure" of bilingual education -
Ron Unz and Rosalie Pedalino Porter. Both are opponents of bilingual education
who would never consider evidence contrary to their established opinions.
Jacoby stated that the evidence against bilingual education is "voluminous," but
failed to refer to even one study or report on one classroom to support that
I challenge Jacoby and anyone else who is certain that English immersion is
better than a well-managed bilingual program actually to visit some bilingual
classrooms and English-immersion classrooms and see for themselves.
It's a pity Jacoby did not bother to do so before writing such a one-sided
The goal of every U.S. bilingual program is English proficiency. A few poorly
administered programs have given all bilingual programs a bad name. Bilingual
education should be fixed, not abandoned.
A good journalist would explore multiple viewpoints and trustworthy sources to
ensure a balanced, insightful report. Jacoby perpetuated lies with a biased and
poorly researched piece.
John F. Gates
University of Arizona graduate with a master's in bilingual and multicultural
Light rail needed
Sent to the Ventura County Star
Incumbent candidate for the Oxnard school board Roy Caffrey is interested in
determining how California districts that
dropped bilingual education managed in increase test scores ("6
seek 3 trustee spots for Oxnard district, " October 17).
Test scores have increased for everybody in California since 1998, including
districts that kept bilingual education through
special waivers and districts that never did bilingual education. At the same
time Proposition 227 passed, California
introduced a new test, the SAT9. Research has shown that after new tests are
introduced, test scores go up, which is why
commercial tests need to be recalibrated every few years. Prop. 227 deserves
none of the credit for this increase.
Voters in the Oxnard School Board election might be interested in knowing that
nearly every scholar who has reviewed
the published research has concluded that bilingual education works. Children in
bilingual programs acquire at least as
much English as children in all-English immersion programs and usually acquire
more. The most recent review of this
research, by Jay Greene of the Manhattan Institute, found that use of the native
language has positive effects and that
"efforts to eliminate the use of the native language in instruction ... harm
children by denying them access to beneficial
Stephen Krashen, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor
Published in the Arizona Daily Star, October 25, 2002 http://www.azstarnet.com/star/fri/21025friletrpckg.html
Dear Arizona Daily Star Editor:
I am appalled at the bizarre occurrences with this new AZ Learns rating system.
A fine magnet elementary school that
accomplishes amazing things for students, both neighborhood and magnet students,
has been ridiculously labeled as
underperforming! Let's look at the data.
In 2000-01, the percentage of Gr. 5 students at Davis Bilingual Magnet School
achieving mastery on the AIMS tests
were 42% in Reading, 73% in Writing and 34% in Math, but in 2001-02 the numbers
became 66.7% in Reading,
63.6% in Writing and 61.8% in Math. Ok, they dropped in writing while they made
amazing gains in the other two
areas. They still beat out the district averages in all areas. District 5th
graders overall had 53.9% pass Reading,
53.4% pass Writing and 39.8% pass Math. The story is even better in 3rd grade.
The mastery rates are 91.7%, 91.7%
and 77.8%!
On the contrary, one school that inexplicably escaped the "underperforming"
label and was called "maintaining" is
the lowest in mastery of Reading and Writing with 15% and 10% respectively and
they are in 11th to the last in the
district with 17% passing Math. By what sick mind is Davis underperforming and
the other school is maintaining?
This system is designed to make public schools look bad, no other way to look at
it. It is part of the plan of people
such as George W. Bush, Rod Paige and their followers (Any local leaders come to
mind?). They would prefer to suck
public money out of public schools and give it to their favorite private schools
as vouchers for students "fleeing
underperforming schools". This is a disgrace!
Arizonans better not believe those labels! They are meaningless!
Julie G. Neff-Encinas
Observant citizen
Sent to the Christian Science Monitor, October 17, 2002
The Monitor (October 17) feels that controversies over the effectiveness of
bilingual education remain. Not in the scientific research: Nearly every scholar
who has reviewed the research has concluded that bilingual education works.
Children in bilingual programs acquire at least as much English as children in
all-English immersion programs and usually acquire more. The most recent review
of this research, by Jay Greene of the Manhattan Institute, found that use of
the native language has positive effects and that "efforts to eliminate the use
of the native language in instruction ... harm children by denying them access
to beneficial approaches."
The Monitor states that some studies show immersion students do better in
English in the long run. Not so. A recent study by J. Guzman in Education Next
claimed to show that those in bilingual education earned (slightly) less later
in life, but Guzman's definition of bilingual education excluded instruction in
English as a second language (ESL): All quality bilingual programs include
plenty of ESL.
The Monitor also reports that people are concerned that "huge communities of
non-English speakers exist for generations." They do not. Such enclaves consist
largely of recent immigrants. L. Tse, in her book Why Don't They Learn English:
Separating Fact from Fallacy in the US Language Debate reviews the research and
concludes that "successive generations rarely live in the same enclave community
Šthe children and grandchildren of immigrants usually move out of the enclave
and are replaced by new immigrant families."
Stephen Krashen,
Emeritus Professor, University of Southern California
Published in the
Glenwood Springs Post-Independent, October 15, 2002
Dear Editor,
With all the media attention that ballot measure 31 has been receiving lately, I
wanted to bring to light several key points to consider when voting for or
against this amendment. These points have nothing to do with being for or
against bilingual education or wanting all children to learn English, but are
concerns dealing with money, legal battles and local control.
First of all, this would be an amendment to our state constitution. What that
means is that the members of the state governing bodies were unable to make a
clear decision on the matter and therefore put it to a public vote. I for one am
hesitant to vote “yes” for a measure that would change our state constitution.
Especially one that if we later disagree with, would be extremely difficult to
Secondly, the measure itself brings up several areas of concern. Specifically the right of each district to have local control over their curriculum and school structure. If this measure passes it takes away the rights of each district to decide what will best meet the needs of their students and community.
The decision-making power will then reside with the state and federal government. It will also set the precedent for future battles with other programs run under local control, such as Special Education, Gifted and Talented Programs, Sports, etc.
The measure requires that all students who are non-native English speakers
receive one — and only one — year of intense English as a Second Language (ESL)
instruction and then will be placed in a regular English-speaking classroom for
the remainder of their education. That would mean that all of these students
would be grouped into classrooms with ESL-certified teachers and taught for one
year. Where will these teachers come from? There is already a shortage. Who will
pay for their salaries and materials? Which teachers who are not ESL-certified
will lose their jobs to make room for the new ones? The state budget is already
at a deficit. Will taxes be hiked to cover the cost?
Finally, if 25 percent of the parents in a school district sign a waiver and
write a 250-word essay in English explaining why they want their child to
receive a bilingual education then the school district may have such a program.
But, if a child whose parents placed them in a bilingual program fails at some
point in their education (within ten years of entering the program) their parent
may sue the
teacher directly for the failure of their child and the teacher may lose their
license for up to five years.
Why are we punishing teachers who are teaching a program that so many parents went to so much work to have in the first place? Are parents no longer accountable for the decisions they make on behalf of their children? What message does this send to our children? Do we not hold them accountable for their choices?
Basically, this measure has really very little to do with the pros and cons
of bilingual education. In fact, it is just another way for the state and
federal governments to gain more control. Please consider these facts when
deciding your vote on ballot measure 31, because it really will affect all of
us, not just our children.
Teresa Vessels
Public School Teacher
Glenwood Springs
Sent to the Denver Post October 14, 2002:
The only deception that is going on in programs for English Learners is the
language in Amendment 31 that
states, "not to exceed one year". This one year English immersion program is
being lauded as a way for
non-English speaking students to learn English. This certainly has not happened
in California where over a
million English Learners have been in programs for over two or three years. The
legislatively mandated study
of Proposition 227 programs in California finds that English learners have not
become fluent in English and that
the achievement gap persists. This same study also shows that students in the
bilingual programs remaining in
California are learning English and gaining in achievement---just as the many
research studies on bilingual
programs have consistently shown.
Furthermore, the drop-out rate in California has not improved under a one-year
English immersion program.
Sponsors of the measure are being deceptive because the drop out rate in
California has actually increased
over the last four years (Proposition 227 passed in 1998). Since over 88% of the
English Learners in
California are in all English programs, can we attribute the dropout figures for
Hispanic students to this failed
Maria S. Quezada, Ph.D
Originally published in the Daily Coloradoan, Sunday, October 13, 2002
Original URL: http://vh80003.vh8.infi.net/news/stories/20021013/opinion/281280.html
A failure elsewhere
By John T. Gless
The central claim of Amendment 31 backers is nine months or less in special
classrooms is enough to become fluent in English. As evidence, they cite the
record in California, where a similar initiative was passed in 1998.
Look at the 2002 data and you'll find that in second grade, only 33 percent of
California "English learners" scored at or above grade level in reading. By
third grade, just 20 percent were at grade level, compared with 61 percent of
speakers. Furthermore, of all the English learners in 1998 (1.4 million), fewer
than one-third have now been declared fluent -- after four years.
Imagine a tree farmer who spends extra to plant five seedlings in special pots,
and carefully waters them for one year. He transplants them into the hard ground
and gives them no water except for the rain that falls from the sky. By the
year, all but one of his trees are lost, and yet the farmer declares himself a
stellar success and tries to pass a law making every other tree farmer do the
same thing. Wouldn't that be silly?
Please vote "no" on Amendment 31 www.NO-on-31.org. You and your seedlings will
be glad you did.
John T. Gless,
Fort Collins
Originally published in the Daily Coloradoan, Sunday, October 13, 2002
Original URL: http://vh80003.vh8.infi.net/news/stories/20021013/opinion/281278.html
Make the right choice
By Sarah Ryan
I am a big supporter of public education and have recently moved to Colorado. I
was so excited to be coming to a state that places such a value on education and
meeting the needs of all students, a state that truly values local choice
and allows each district to decide how to best meet the needs of its students.
That is why I am so dismayed at the possibility that the citizens of Colorado
might allow that all to change. Based on my experiences, I believe the people of
Colorado want better for their schools and their children.
That's why I encourage them to say "no" to Amendment 31. Despite the crafty
advertising campaign for this amendment and a ballot title that appears quite
worthy and well-intentioned, this amendment would have devastating repercussions
for all students of Colorado, no matter what language they speak.
Class sizes will increase, all students will receive less teacher time, local
taxes will rise to fund this mandate, and the right to local control will be
ripped away from school districts and taxpayers. I urge you, as concerned and
educated citizens, to make the right choice on election voting.
Sarah Ryan,
Fort Collins
Letter published in the Union-News October 13, 2002
Original URL: http://www.masslive.com/letters/unionnews/index.ssf?/base/news-0/103450030120690.xml
Letters to the editor 10/13/2002
Mass. teachers know best about bilingual education
I have decided the candidates for whom I will vote on election day, but I remain
deeply troubled over how to vote regarding bilingual education in public
schools. I consider myself to be a well-informed voter, who carefully researches
issues to the best of my ability.
When it comes to bilingual education, however, I have no idea what is in the
best interest of our students, and I suspect that such is the case for most
voters. So it seems to me that whether to use bilingual education, immersion, or
some other methodology should be decided not by politicians and not through a
plebiscite, but by the people who have expertise in this area, and who
ultimately are accountable for their choices: our unfairly much-maligned and
under-appreciated professional teachers.
It is an outrage and an act of consummate arrogance that politicians micromanage
our public education system. By doing so, they prevent teachers from using their
highly specialized skills and knowledge, much like when a clerk for an HMO
dictates what medicines a doctor may prescribe.
Politicians have no business telling teachers how to teach, especially when they
have failed so miserably to adequately fund public education. It is equally
outrageous that an issue as vitally important as bilingual education should be
decided by the not-fully-informed - myself included, for I am not a teacher.
The mere fact that this issue will appear on the ballot demonstrates how
teachers are hamstrung by the uninformed policies that have been imposed on
them, but which do not embrace sound educational practices. And, let's not
forget that if this ballot initiative passes, teachers could be sued if they
fail to strictly avoid bilingual techniques.
Shamefully, the way we treat teachers is akin to an audience telling the concert
pianist that she may not use the pedals, may play only in the key of C, and only
in three-quarter time - and if she fails to comply, the audience may sue her.
Then, after the concert, the audience complains about the lackluster
So, because I am opposed to political micromanagement of public education,
respect the expertise of professional educators, and because I believe it is
wrong to decide issues such as bilingual education based on a popularity
contest, I will follow the lead of the public school teachers, as expressed by
the Massachusetts Teachers Association: I will vote NO on question 2, and I urge
others to do the same.
JAMES J. PALERMO Northampton
Sent to the Los Angeles Times, October 13
Mary Margaret Silva (letters, October 13) claims that bilingual education has
produced "mostly all negative results." The scientific research says otherwise.
Nearly every scholar who has reviewed the published research has concluded that
bilingual education works. Children in bilingual programs acquire at least as
much English as children in all-English immersion programs and usually acquire
more. The most recent review of this research, by Jay Greene of the Manhattan
Institute, found that use of the native language has positive effects and that
"efforts to eliminate the use of the native
language in instruction ... harm children by denying them access to beneficial
approaches." Those who profit from bilingual education are not its advocates, as
Ms. Silva claims, but the children in the programs. They acquire English and
develop their first language at no extra cost.
Stephen Krashen, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor, University of Southern California.
Sent to the Union-New, October 13, 2002
The Union-News ("Bilingual: Issue Keys Debate, October 13) presents
testimony from all sides: Some people think bilingual education is helpful, some
think it is not necessary, and some think it is harmful.
Voters may want to consider the research on this issue: Scientific studies have
been done that compare the progress of English learners who participate in
bilingual programs and those who do not. These children have similar
backgrounds: the only difference is whether the first language is used in the
classoom. Nearly every scholar who has reviewed this research has concluded that
bilingual education works. Children in bilingual programs acquire at least as
much English as children in all-English immersion programs and usually acquire
more. The most recent review of this research, by Jay Greene of the Manhattan
Institute, found that use of the native language has positive effects and that
"efforts to eliminate the use of the native language in instruction ... harm
children by denying them access to beneficial approaches."
Question 2 seeks to make this successful approach illegal.
Stephen Krashen, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor, University of Southern California.
Originally published in the Daily Coloradoan, Sunday, October 12,
Original URL:
Save the Harris school
By Lucas Suazo
My name is Lucas Suazo and I am in fourth grade at
Harris Bilingual Immersion
School. There is somebody who wants to pass a law that will close my school of
I love my school. I love my teachers. I love everything that I am learning. But
I can't vote.
I wish someone would ask my opinion if I like my school, if I love my teachers.
I heard that this person who wants to take away my school is not even from
Colorado. He is from California. This makes me really sad. How does he know how
great my school is?
Since I can't vote, I urge you to please vote for me. Please vote "no" an
Amendment 31.
Lucas Suazo,
Fort Collins
Sent to the Orange County Register
Columnist Steven Greenhut, in discussing the Nativo Lopez recall effort, writes
that "the big issue remains bilingual education, the controversial teaching
concept that kept students from learning English because it taught subjects to
them mainly in their native language" ("Nativo Lopez's divisive politics,"
October 13). Wrong, all wrong.
Bilingual education is the use of the child's first language to accelerate
English language development. Study after study shows it does just that:
Children in bilingual programs consistently acquire at least as much English as
those in all-English programs and usually acquire more.
In addition, bilingual education does not "teach subjects mainly in (the) native
language." English is introduced the first day and subjects are taught in
English as soon as they can be made comprehensible. Most children in bilingual
programs who begin school at kindergarten have acquired enough English to do
regular classwork in English within three years.
Stephen Krashen, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor, University of Southern California.
Sent to the Wall Street Journal, October 11
The WSJ has it wrong: Banning bilingual education deserves none of the
credit for increases in test scores in California ("Bilingual Balderash,
October 11). A new test, the SAT9, was introduced in California at the same time
the ban on bilingual education took effect. Test scores always increase after
new tests are introduced, which is why tests need to be recalibrated after
a few years. Test scores went up for everybody in California, including
districts that kept bilingual education, and districts that never did bilingual
The WSJ also errs when it describes bilingual programs as a "euphemism for
Spanish-only instruction." English is introduced in bilingual programs on the
first day, and academic subjects are taught in English as soon as they can be
made comprehensible. Most children who start bilingual programs at kindergarten
have acquired enough English to do regular work in the mainstream by the end of
grade two.
Bilingual programs use the first language in a way that accelerates
English language development. This fact has been confirmed by numerous
scientific studies that show that children in bilingual programs acquire
at least as much English as children in all-English immersion programs and often
acquire more.
Stephen Krashen, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor, University of Southern California.
Letter Published Against ballot Question 2--Massachusetts
Original URL: http://www.townonline.com/arlington/news/opinion/aa_letaaletterse10
Thursday, October 10, 2002
I am writing to encourage a no vote on Question 2 in November. Everyone believes
that students should learn English in school. The question is how best to do
I am a certified English as a Second Language teacher, and elementary bilingual
teacher. Question 2 would make it illegal for any teacher, administrator or
School Committee member to speak to a child in that child's native language.
In our modern world, jobs require higher levels of literacy than they ever have
in the past. In order to ensure that all students can be as literate as they can
be, educational research has shown that immigrant students who learn to read in
their native language, will become more literate in English. It is in order to
teach students English at a level that will enable them to compete in the 21st
century job market, that bilingual education is essential.
I work in a public school in another city in which half the children are
learning English and the other half are learning Spanish. The children work
together to learn the other language. It is a program that parents choose for
their children -
no one in the state of Massachusetts is foced into a bilingual program. It is no
more expensive than other programs in the city.
If Question 2, placed on the November ballot by California millionaire Ron Unz,
is passed, this successful program, as well as many other successful programs
like it, will be illegal, and therefore eliminated.
Please vote no on Question 2. Bilingual education is often the best way to teach
students English literacy.
Marion Magill
Chester Street
Letter sent to the Rocky Mountain News:
Re: Unz criticizes Owens for opposing proposal October 3, 2002: For six years
now I have read how "the Silicon Valley millionaire Ron Unz..."
What a hypocrite! Now he cries that someone besides he has money.
Unz has covered up California's 93% failure rate to make immigrant children
English fluent. He has distracted the public from the widening achievement gap
in test scores. He has been silent about the millions of extra tax dollars in
trying to maintain his failing law in California. He says that no teacher has
been sued in California, yet he is heading a recall of a popular school board
member. Justice in the court is blind, lies in an election can blind 50% plus
one vote quite often.
If his English immersion was working, why isn't someone other than the Silicon
Valley millionaire Ron Unz exporting the success? Unz is a hypocrite.
Denis O'Leary
Education Adviser
League of United Latin American Citizens
National Far West Region (which includes Colorado)
Sent to the Springfield Union-News (Massachusetts), October 10.
Ron Unz is quoted in the Salem News ("Supporters defend bilingual schooling,"
October 9) as saying that immigrant parents "don't like these bilingual
programs." That's not true. Hispanic voters opposed California's Proposition 227
by a 2-1 margin. In our research, we found that most parents of limited English
proficient children agreed that having a good foundation in the first language
helped English language development, and most parents agreed that limited
English proficient children should be in classrooms in which the first language
is part of the curriculum.
Fay Shin, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Education, California State University, Long Beach
Stephen Krashen, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor, University of Southern California.
Sent to the New York Times, October 9, 2002
The Times reported that test scores have increased in California since Prop 227
dismantled bilingual education ("Bilingual Education on Ballot in Two States,"
October 9). This is true, but a new test, the SAT9, was introduced in California
at the same time 277 took effect. Test scores always increase after new tests
are introduced, which is why tests need to be recalibrated after a few years.
Test scores increased for districts that kept bilingual education, and for
districts that never did bilingual education. Thus, 227 deserves none of the
credit for the increases.
The WestEd study mentioned in the article concluded that there was "no major
effect" of Prop. 227, a conclusion that agrees with substantial published
research showing that children in bilingual programs acquire English at least as
well as children in immersion programs, and often do better. It thus appears
that bilingual education is, at worst, just as effective as immersion. Why
should voters even consider making it illegal?
Stephen Krashen
Professor Emeritus
University of Southern California
Sent to the Boston Herald, October 6, 2002
Wayne Woodlief ("Watch for ballot bubble," October 6) is misinformed about
bilingual education. Woodlief notes that test scores for Latino children have
increased since Proposition 227, California's version of Question 2, passed in
1998. At the same time, however, California introduced a new test, the SAT9.
Research has shown that after new tests are introduced, test scores go up, which
is why commercial tests need to be recalibrated every few years. Prop. 227
deserves none of the credit for this increase. Test scores have risen for
everybody in California, including English learners in districts that kept
bilingual education (thanks to special waivers) and English learners in
districts that never did bilingual education.
In addition, the California initiative has failed on its promise to teach
children English in one year. Data released by the State of California on August
29 showed that there are 1,034,073 children in California who have been in
school for one year or more and who have not yet been reclassified as fluent
English proficient. Ron Unz, the sponsor of 227 and Question 2, considers
reclassification to be the mark of "learning English." If we accept the standard
set up by Unz himself, Prop. 227 has failed 1,034,073 times.
Woodlief also repeats the claim that children in bilingual programs are
segregated for five or six years. A look at the actual data shows this is false.
For those who begin at kindergarten, most acquire enough English to do all
classwork in the mainstream within three years. In addition, English instruction
in bilingual education begins on day one, and academics are taught in English as
soon as they can be made comprehensible.
Nearly every scholar who has reviewed the published research has concluded that
bilingual education works. Children in bilingual programs acquire at least as
much English as children in all-English immersion programs and usually acquire
more. The most recent review of this research, by Jay Greene of the Manhattan
Institute, found that use of the native language has positive effects and that
"efforts to eliminate the use of the native language in instruction ... harm
children by denying them access to beneficial approaches."
Stephen Krashen
Professor Emeritus
University of Southern California
Letter sent to the Denver Post 10/06/02:
Jim Lewis seems to believe that “studies” are not as good as hear say in his
letter “Muddying the waters” (October 6, 2002). Stating “that two years after
California implemented their version of Amendment 31, test scores of the
children involved improved. And this is all that counts. It works.” is in itself
pretty murky waters.
Test scores of English immersed students indeed went up, not mentioned is that
English only speaking students scores went up even more in the same period. The
achievement gap in fact widened, leaving the Unz kids even further behind. Also,
if California millionaire Ron Unz’s plan was the only factor, why did English
fluent students test scores improve? Did they learn more English than they had
Jim Lewis asks, “Does the education establishment want to get students
communicating in English and into mainstream school classes as fast as possible,
or does it want to maintain the status quo?”
The status quo has been established by Mr. Ron Unz in California for the past
five years. Unz’s status quo has given a 93% failure rate to become English
fluent, a widening achievement gap, more drop outs and millions of dollars in
extra spending. Good luck Colorado.
Denis O’Leary
Education Advisor,
National Far West Region (including Colorado)
League of United Latin American Citizens
Published in The Denver Post 10/06/02
Dual immersion works
It is obvious why Rita Montero and Ron Unz specifically attack dual-immersion
programs, calling supporters "vampires" and "fanatical." It's because students
in dual immersion achieve higher English scores than students in the Amendment
31 program. Dual immersion is completely different from traditional "bilingual
education." In dual immersion, English-language learners are introduced to
English starting on Day One and learn side-by-side with their English-speaking
classmates instead of being segregated into a separate classroom.
Amendment 31 would outlaw dual immersion. In fact, Amendment 31, if passed,
would wipe out not only bilingual education but also any other English teaching
method or innovation that may come along. Only one program - Ron Unz's program -
would be legal, regardless of demographics, budget and student needs. In
addition, it would take away
parents' right to choose what is best for their children and would subvert local
control of local schools. It must be hard to try to sell an initiative that
would inadvertently ban our highest-achieving programs. No wonder the Amendment
31 sponsors feel the need to resort to name-calling.
Published in The Denver Post 10/06/02
On bilingual research
Re: "Bilingual research lacks definitive study," Sept. 25 news story.
This story was unusually well-balanced, presenting all sides of a complex issue.
It was stimulated by a study that recently appeared in the journal Education
Next by Joseph Guzman. The study claimed that those who participated in
bilingual education programs earned less a decade later. It should, however, be
pointed out that Guzman also reported that this result was not statistically
significant, that is, the results could have been due to chance. The actual
difference, in fact, was only $1000 per year, about 2.5 percent of the average
Hispanic family income at that time.
A close look at Guzman's full report (online at
www.educationnext.org/20023/58.html ), shows that the study has some serious
flaws. The largest is the definition of bilingual education, which Guzman
himself refers to as "coarse." Subjects were defined as participating in
bilingual education if they ever studied a subject taught in a foreign language.
This could be one class, part of a class, or 10 years of study - we don't know.
Guzman also defined bilingual education as excluding classes in English as a
Second Language. All properly organized bilingual programs include ESL and
introduce it on the first day.
In short, Guzman's study only showed that those who had any subject-matter
classes that were taught in another language and who had no ESL, earned about as
much as those who had ESL only. This could be interpreted as evidence for
bilingual education.
Professor Emeritus
University of Southern California
Published in The Denver Post 10/06/02
The real bilingual ed
I am troubled by the misinformation Rita Montero presented on Sept. 22. She
claimed that non-English-speaking students in Colorado are forced into
Spanish-only "bilingual" or English-only ESL classes where they do not learn
A bilingual class is not a Spanish-only class. Bilingual programs teach students
in two languages, English and another language. ESL (English as a Second
Language) programs teach English in English. They do not instruct students in
their native language. Everyone involved in bilingual or ESL programs insists
that students be proficient in English as fast as possible.
The real debate is not whether students should learn English, but how students
learn English. Even if some of Ms. Montero's concerns about bilingual/ESL
programs are valid, they should not be remedied with an amendment that mandates
specific classroom methodology in our state constitution. Currently, local
control allows parents and teachers to make instructional decisions. Amendment
31 would force schools to abandon this collaborative approach and students with
diverse needs would have only one way to learn English.
If we want these students to be successful, productive members of society, then
we shouldn't eliminate the flexibility to effectively teach English.
Published in The Denver Post 10/06/02
Liability a deal-breaker
I am wondering why I have not seen more media coverage addressing a specific
section of Amendment 31: "parents or legal guardians (may) obtain annual waivers
allowing the children to transfer to classes using bilingual education allowing
a parent or legal guardian to sue public employees granting a waiver if the
parent or legal guardian later concludes that the waiver was granted in error
and injured the child's education."
So let me get this straight: a parent can petition for his child to spend
additional time in a bilingual program, but retains the right to sue the schools
if the parent later regrets his own decision?
What a shame that this ridiculous clause is part of the amendment. As a
supporter of English immersion, I would have been happy to vote for provisions
to provide only that.
I fear that without a spotlight on this clause, voters may inadvertently support
an issue that they otherwise would not.
Castle Rock
Published in The Denver Post 10/06/02
Two kinds of fluency
Teaching children English in a one-year immersion program might sound promising,
but it is not based on research in language acquisition and makes no distinction
between being conversationally fluent and fluent enough to learn academic
material in a new language. Children are able to quickly pick up conversational
English and so it seems that it
only takes a few months to become fluent in English. But their vocabulary is
limited to the words they hear and use in daily conversation.
School isn't just about learning English, but about learning science, history,
government, literature, and academic thinking and communication skills. It is
true that in one nine-month school year, children can learn the basics - colors,
clothing, family members, animals, food, jobs - and begin to read and write in
English. But we're kidding ourselves if we pretend this is adequate preparation
to keep up with their English-speaking classmates.
Instead of being forced to learn academic subjects in a new language, it makes
far more sense for students to be taught in their native languages as they
transition into English. I'm almost afraid to admit that I'm an ESL teacher and
work every day with children learning English. In every other field we turn to
experts for guidance, but teachers who speak up for children are just trying to
protect their cushy jobs. If Amendment 31 passes, my job prospects will expand -
but my students might end up as second-generation busboys or hotel maids.
Published in The Boston Globe 10/06/02
Traumatizing students won't help
GREATLY admired the commentary by Brookline teacher Tatiana With, who
traveled to Korea for an immersion language and cultural experience to better
understand her Korean students (''I walked a mile, and more, in my students'
shoes,'' Education, Sept. 29).
One wonders how anyone can seriously suggest that Question 2 on the ballot,
which would force students to endure hours of English immersion would be a good
thing when With, a 32-year-old woman, found herself weeping in the bathroom at
both the pace of instruction and the mere fact that she couldn't understand the
river of words in her Korean language class.
With reminds us that students are human beings and that traumatizing students in
the name of test scores and nativist fears will neither speed up learning nor
help teachers understand the students they face.
Thank you for reminding us of the humanity of teachers and students. I hope all
voters in this state will vote no in November on Question 2. Children deserve
Sent to the Arizona Republic Oct. 5, 2002:
Freedom going extinct?
Poor Michael Rutigliano ("Is English going extinct?" Oct. 5). Born in this
country, he never learned the language from which his surname is derived.
He went to a school that failed to teach him how freedom of speech includes
freedom of language. In the military he never learned the meaning of
"Semper fi."
Happily, many Americans have been more fortunate. Some speak not only English
but also Diné. Some use American Sign Language. Some speak Spanish, the proud
second language of America. As capitalists, entrepreneurs also are free to
choose languages in attracting customers. The marketplace decides, based
on the choices of individuals who determine what is in their own best
self-interest. And yes, some have chosen to remain monolingual even as others
have become polyglots. We Americans
revel in our freedom.
Yet there are those who would exert the power of law to enforce a "politically
correct" monolingualism and obliterate America's multilingual heritage. That's
why eternal vigilance, often cited as the cost of
freedom, at times requires us to turn our gaze inward and guard against the
poisons that may lurk within our hearts.
--Salvador Gabaldón
Published in the AZ Daily Star Oct. 12, 2002:
Original URL: http://www.azstarnet.com/star/today/21012satletrpckg.html
If Jeff Jacoby were Hispanic, he would cherish this nation's freedoms. He
would proudly speak English or Spanish or both or neither, accepting the
American capitalist ideal that a free people will choose what is in their own
best self-interest without governmental coercion. He would laugh at those who
feel "humiliated" that entrepreneurs recognize America as the world's third
largest Spanish-speaking nation. He would turn away in disgust at those who
would use the power of law to deny parents the option of making educational
choices for their children. Being conscious of the harsh labor his people
endure, he would feel contempt for anyone who had the temerity to claim that
"life is easy for non-English speakers" in America.
It's not his fault that he is not Hispanic, but he must take full responsibility
for failing to honor his father's wonderful achievement. No one "forced"
his father to learn anything. Any math or English teacher can attest to the
impossibility of forcing students to learn against their will. His father chose
to learn English, which only adds to the magnitude of his accomplishment. High
school attendance in the 1940s was not compulsory. For Jacoby to diminish and
distort the truth about his father's achievement in order to turn the public
against bilingual education is detestable. He should be ashamed.
--Sal Gabaldón