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Historical account of Bilingual Education in Arizona

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We are united in our belief that acquisition of strong English skills plus the mastery
of other languages will make America strong and more globally competitive.
We therefore urge you to oppose Proposition 203, the English-only schools initiative.
Resolutions Against Proposition 203 :
The Following Native American Tribes, Teacher Associations, Professional
Associations, etc. Have All Officially Voiced Very Strong Resolutions/Positions
Against Proposition 203 Or In Support Of Bilingual Education
Important Information & Research About Prop 203 & Bilingual Education In Arizona
Facts About Prop 203 & Bilingual Education In Arizona by Dr. Michael Peralta;
Scores, cost, drop-out rates, & parental choice |
Arizona English Scores Show Consistent Edge For Bilingual Education
by Journalist James Crawford |
Bilingual Education In Arizona: What The Research Says by Dr. Stephen Krashen - University of Southern California, Dr. Grace K. Park - University of Southern California, and Dr. Dan Seldin - University of California, Riverside |
A Tale of Two Initiatives by James Crawford
Explains how Arizona's Prop 203 is designed to severely limit the options of parents & educators |
Prop 227 Did Not Improve Reading Scores
by Dr. Kenji Hakuta, Stanford University, Analyzes 1999, 2000 CA Test Scores |
Who's Behind Proposition 203 ?
A deceptively named group -- "English for the Children Arizona" -- is bankrolled by a California millionaire and would be politician named Ron Unz. Neither a parent nor an educator, Unz seeks to impose a one-size-fits-all, sink-or-swim, experimental "methodology" for teaching English to minority children nationwide. Arizona is his latest guinea pig.
What Would Prop 203 Do?
- Eliminate school choice for Latino, Asian, and Native American parents, by requiring English-Only instruction -- regardless of parent's wishes -- for virtually all children whose English is limited.
- Usurp Local Control, removing the right of elected school boards to determine what kind of curriculum is best for their students.
- Dismantle successful bilingual education programs, shown by studies to lead to academic success, including two-way bilingual immersion, which is popular with English speaking and language minority parents alike.
- Limit help for children to only one year, when all language experts agree that's not even close to enough.
- Group together students of different ages, grades, and languages, thus neglecting students' individual academic needs.
- Disrupt English as a Second Language (ESL) programs, which normally last three years or more, by arbitrarily limiting English instruction to 175 school days.
- Cripple efforts to revitalize Arizona's Native languages, now in danger of extinction, thereby risking the loss of irreplaceable heritage.
Why Oppose Proposition 203 ?
- Arizona does not need another extremist movement imported from California.
- Arizonans know, from past experience, how divisive English-only policies can be.
- Our public schools and school children should not be pawns in a political game.
- Minority parents should have the same rights to school choice as other parents.
According to the Arizona Dept. of Education students in Bilingual Education learn to read English better and faster compared to the English-only method. |
Proposition 203 Is Coercive,
Divisive, Mean-Spirited,
and Undemocratic.
We Therefore Urge You
To Oppose Proposition 203
The English-only Schools Initiative.
- Defend Parental Choice !
- Defend Local Control !
- Defend Quality Education !
- Defend Native American Languages !
- Keep Meddling California Millionaires Out Of Arizona Politics !
- Keep Bilingual Education -- It Works And Parents Want It !
Vote NO on Proposition 203 ! |
We Believe In Bilingual Education For All Children
-- Regardless of Ethnicity ! |
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asotomayor@azbilingualed.org |