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By Jeanne and Pauline Phillips • Universal Press Syndicate
Arizona Daily Star, October 24, 2002
Bigots are not patriots
* DEAR ABBY: A man was speaking to a young lady in a foreign language when, all
of a sudden, another man began to chastise them for not speaking English. His
exact words were: "What the hell is the matter with you? This is America. People
speak English here!"
When I ride the train to work, I see people with Middle Eastern backgrounds get
dirty looks from other passengers. All I see are people using terrorism as an
excuse to act like bigots. Patriotism isn't slapping an American flag on your
car. It's
remembering the principles this country was built on. - A Disillusioned American
DEAR DISILLUSIONED: Unless the person who did the "chastising" was a part of the
conversation, he was rude, aggressive and a mile out of line.
With the recent war on terrorism, there have been incidents of hostility aimed
at people from Middle Eastern backgrounds. With that in mind, it's important to
remember that no one can tell by looking what is going on in other people's
* DEAR ABBY: I am a Hispanic male. Most of my extended family lives in Mexico.
My parents live near me in East Texas. My girlfriend, "Cyndi," and I have been
dating for three years. She recently decided to move to San Antonio.
Cyndi has met my parents and told me she intended to learn Spanish so she could
better communicate with them. I was delighted because when we visit my family in
Mexico, Cyndi would not feel left out of our conversations.
Cyndi and I spoke over the weekend. She told me she had signed up for language
classes. When I called her last night, she informed me that she's taking German.
Then she gave me a lecture about how my family needs to learn English. Then I
asked her how she intends to communicate with my family in Mexico. She ignored
the question.
Abby, Cyndi and I have split up several times over the years. We always find
something to argue about. Now this. What do you think about this? - Ernesto in
East Texas
DEAR ERNESTO: Face it. Cyndi has no interest in communicating with your family.
Tell her adios or auf Wiedersehen.
* Write to: Dear Abby, P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.