Original URL: http://www.rockymountainnews.com/drmn/opinion/article/0,1299,DRMN_38_1479530,00.html

On Point: Selfish to the end

October 15, 2002

"...Strangely silent"

The Wall Street Journal mangled a fact or two in an editorial last
week on bilingual initiatives in Colorado and Massachusetts, but
the newspaper did make one excellent point along the way. In
referring to the obnoxious anti-Amendment 31 TV ads - the ones
claiming that 31 "will force children who can barely speak English
into regular classrooms" - the Journal wondered "Where are La
Raza, Maldef and the other self-styled Hispanic lobbies in
response to this demagoguery? They don't seem to mind
anti-immigrant innuendo as long as it helps preserve their
bilingual booty."

-- Rocky Mountain News