The Rev. Jesse Jackson has
been at the forefront of the civil rights movement for four decades. He
is founder and leader of the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, a Democratic Party
activist, and a recipient of the Medal of Freedom.
Jackson, who was in the Valley last week for a fund-raiser to benefit
people with HIV/AIDS, met with The Republic's Editorial Board on
Friday. Here are excerpts from that meeting:
On the Iraq War:
This war has no moral or legal foundation. (It's) built upon
misrepresentations, violations of international law. We were driven by
fear to make a decision that if we don't move and move quickly . . .
Saddam is coming. Imminent threat. WMD. Al-Qaida connection. None of
that was true. . . . We made that dash almost unilaterally. And while we
celebrate voting (in Iraq) two weeks ago, a democracy by gunpoint,
protected by bombs, is not a democracy at all.
On President Bush's relations with civil rights leaders:
In so many ways, the extremism coming out of the White House is
quite polarizing, class polarization, racial polarization. The nation,
in many ways, would have been better off if (John) McCain had (won) that
primary (in 2000) because of some sense of a broader view of America. A
big-tent America is the best America.
On "Black/Brown issues":
African-Americans and Hispanics have the same basic challenges: high
infant mortality, lack of equal protection under the law, high school
dropout and putout rates, less access to college, less wages, less
access to capital, shorter life expectancy, more likely to end up in the
military as a life option. Our conditions are so much the same. So they
have to keep (building) a coalition based on our shared interests.
Even people who don't get along still live under the same rubric. While
the Hispanics in the cities are fighting for bilingual education and
fight for fair and humane immigration policy, a legitimate civil rights
struggle, Blacks in the cities are fighting different barriers.
But we both need our right to vote protected, and right now the right to
vote protected is in jeopardy . . . (because) in 2007, the Voting Rights
Act provisions of enforcement is up for review. President Bush has not
given a public commitment defending it on the enforcement. And that is
because the forces we defeated in (1965) changed parties but not
ideology. They do not want it extended with enforcement provisions.
On class gaps:
We have an economic crisis. The top 10 percent are fighting to have
a permanent tax cut but will not raise the minimum wage for working poor
people. As they fight to give the kind of rich . . . perspective of
life, top down not bottom up. . . . The wealthiest get tax cuts. The
middle class gets job cuts. The poor get benefit cuts. . . .
There's a veneer of happiness in the country that is not real, because
happiness and record mortgage foreclosures are not compatible. Happiness
and net loss of jobs in every state is not compatible.
On Proposition 200-like initiatives:
We can't have it both ways. As long as we share 2,000 miles of
border with Mexico, the biggest stretch between a rich and poor country,
people are going to gravitate to the side where the grass is greener.
That's just going to happen. We actually encourage (illegal
immigration). We work undocumented workers and they pay taxes.
And then we deny them benefits. It's a very tough call we have to make.
In California, the more they crack down, as the farm workers seek to
organize them into a union, there's a kick-them-out plan. But as you
kick the group out that's trying to organize workers, you bring in guest
workers. You want those who come who are undocumented and are too afraid
to organize into collective-bargaining units. What source of exploited
workers do you want?
On whether the infrastructure of the civil rights movement needs to
Our mission is a timeless one. It's not subject to fad. Equal
protection under the law, equal opportunity, equal access, an even
playing field.
There have been a lot of gestures lately. Faith initiatives. We've
always had faith initiatives. The abolition movement was a faith
initiative. It wasn't government-funded, but it was a faith initiative.
. . .
But I remind you, if we live in our faith, whatever it may be, we live
on the law. And that's historically where civil rights leaders have
taken us. Whatever your faith may be or may not be, we got the 13th
Amendment passed for all of us on the same day, for the infidel and the
saved. The (1954) Supreme Court decision ended 335 years of official,
legal race supremacy. We got the right to vote August 6, 1965, 40 years
ago. The need to protect that vote is not subject to age, style or fad.
It's basic kinds of stuff. Some things are not changed.
But there's an attempt to diminish civil rights leadership by trying to
impose upon it a leadership that does not have any roots. People who can
be appointed by the president can be admired but not followed.
On the Democratic Party's relevance to voters:
There are several angles on that. One, we must stop the fraud that
determined the outcome in Florida and Ohio. . . .
Second, (John) Kerry running a 17-state campaign rather than a 50-state
campaign was a fundamental error. . . . You can't write off the South as
a region, a region characterized by working poverty inflamed by fear,
whether it's military fear or whether it's cultural insecurities and
racial affinity fears. People vote en masse for their state's rights.
And so when (Howard) Dean said we must go back to the South again and
try to deal with people's real needs and not just their cultural
insecurities, he's right about that.
The third thing is to keep espousing the economic interests of the
workers and the working poor. We're still exporting jobs, exporting
capital and importing cheap labor and cheap products, and it's
undermining our workforce.