Attorney General says Prop 200 won't be enforced for March election
Feb. 10, 2005
By Howard Fischer
PHOENIX - Attorney General Terry Goddard has blocked the state from requiring identification from voters in the upcoming elections despite voter approval of Proposition 200.
Goddard said the rules crafted by Secretary of State Jan Brewer to comply with the initiative do not adequately deal with the problem that some people may not have the kind of ID that the regulations require. He said the problem is especially acute for Native Americans living in rural areas who cannot produce what Brewer said is necessary.
That's not the only problem.
Goddard also said there needs to be a procedure in place so that those who show up at the polls without the required identification can vote a "provisional" ballot - one that is not counted unless it is later verified to come from someone registered to vote.
Proposition 200 requires not only proof of citizenship to register but also says people must present identification before being given a ballot. That can include one photo ID with the name and address of the voter; two different forms of identification with the name and address are necessary if there is nothing wiht a photograph.
Brewer said she was disappointed - especially since early voting already has begun for several local elections scheduled for March 8.
"My office has spent hundreds of hours since last November working with counties and citizen community leaders to put into practice these new voting requirements," she said. "It is extremely unfortunate that the will of the voters will not be executed in time for the upcoming elections."