Education must look at reality
Arizona Republic
Jan. 9, 2005
Robert Robb
Another year, another study
purporting to show Arizona ranking low in K-12 education spending, another round
of hand-wringing.
It's time for a reality check about education spending in Arizona.
Last week, Education Week released a study showing that Arizona, based upon 2002
data, ranked 49th among the states in "education spending per student."
Except that Education Week does not include all education spending in its
analysis. It excludes school construction, equipment and other capital
Arizona happens to rank very high among the states in capital spending.
Including all education spending, Arizona's rank moves up to at least in the
mid-30s among the states in per-pupil expenditures. Even higher as a percentage
of personal income.
Arizona is a fast-growing state. So, it builds lots of new schools and hires
lots of new teachers.
While the state's position at the extremities might be worth examining, it
should hardly be unexpected that, compared to other states, Arizona would rank
relatively high in capital spending and relatively low in operating spending.
In any event, the case simply cannot be made that Arizona taxpayers are
unusually miserly regarding education.
Part of the education-spending myth is that things were going OK in Arizona
until conservatives took over state government in the 1990s and instituted
slash-and-burn policies.
But, according to Education Week, from 1992 to 2002, or before Saint Janet was
elected governor to keep the barbarians at the gates, increases in operating
expenditures in Arizona actually kept pace with the national average.
So, any neglect actually predates what the spenders regard as Arizona's
political Dark Ages.
The real issue, however, shouldn't be what Arizona spends or how it spends it.
The real issue should be how well Arizona students are learning.
Education Week also ranks Arizona in the bottom third of the states on that,
which would be a concern if true.
But Education Week bases its rankings on the federally administered National
Assessment of Educational Progress. Those tests are only given to a sampling of
students in each state. And they are not given every year in every grade.
Arizona gives a national standardized test to all students every year in grades
2 through 9 and Arizona college-bound students take standardized national
entrance exams.
These more comprehensive assessments consistently show Arizona students
performing at or above national averages, and improving over time.
In reality, Arizona doesn't have an education-spending problem, or a unique
problem with public education generally, for that matter.
While American schools in general aren't moving students along fast enough
compared with other developed countries, Arizona's suburban schools do pretty
well compared to those in other states.
Arizona has the same challenge with inner-city schools that the rest of the
country faces, somewhat exacerbated by a high percentage of English learners.
Now, there are those who thoroughly disagree with this analysis, who believe
that one of the state's biggest problems is a drastic underfunding of education.
But if you follow this debate closely, you'll notice something very peculiar:
Those who strenuously make that critique, who believe that Arizona's low rank in
operational per-pupil spending is a serious problem, never really propose doing
anything about it.
That's because the cost of doing anything meaningful would be enormous.
Moving Arizona to the national average in operational spending per-pupil would
cost a cool $1.6 billion a year, or more than a 20 percent increase in state
taxes. Just moving Arizona out of the bottom 10 would cost more than $800
million a year, or more than a 10 percent increase in taxes.
Simply put, nothing that will materially affect how Arizona ranks in operational
per-pupil expenditures is likely to happen politically.
The constant hand-wringing over where Arizona ranks on this particular spending
measurement, however, has become a counterproductive distraction.
It's time for the education debate to move on to things that might actually
happen and make a difference.
Reach Robb at or (602) 444-8472. His column appears
Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays.