Arizona ranked second lowest in per-student spending
Arizona Republic
June 1, 2007
Pat Kossan
Arizona spends less educating its kids than any other state in the union except
for Utah, even falling well behind other Southwest border states, according to
new Census Bureau figures.
In 2005, Arizona averaged $6,261 for each K-12 student, $2,400 less than the
country's average. Texas spent $7,267 per student while New Mexico spent $7,580.
Utah was the lowest, with $5,257.
The comparisons include money spent on schools from state general funds, local
property taxes and the federal government.
The report also calculated each state's education spending based on the personal
income of its residents. Arizona inched up to 40th among the states and the
District of Columbia.
The U.S. Census Bureau has ranked Arizona second or third from the bottom in
per-student spending dating back to 2000.