When No Child Left Behind passed in 2001, it enjoyed wide bipartisan
support. Appropriately, the plan focused the nation's attention on real
results like test scores and graduation rates rather than on financial
inputs. But there are growing concerns that the bill will undermine the
public-school transparency it sought to establish.
NCLB requires schools to test fourth- and eighth-grade students and make
those test results public. Schools face sanctions for underperformance. Each
year the requirement for how many students must pass the tests increases
until reaching 100 percent in 2014. NCLB required testing proficiency for
students, but Congress left control over test content and the definition of
"proficient" with the states.
Sadly, states have begun avoiding federal sanctions by making their tests
easier to pass. Education-policy scholars around the country have begun to
refer to this as "the race to the bottom." This problem will only get worse
as the federally mandated passing threshold increases.
Without a fix from Congress, students will take meaningless exams, hard-won
gains in public-school transparency will be lost, and testing will suffer a
fatal blow as a credible education-reform strategy.
Congress will consider reauthorizing NCLB this year, but the race to the
bottom has already begun. It is not too late to step away from the ledge.
Sens. John Cornyn, R-Texas, and Jim DeMint, R-S.C., have a bill (the A PLUS
Act) that will allow states to design their own testing and accountability
systems in cooperation with the federal government. This bill will allow
states to opt out of NCLB mandates (but keep the federal funds) by creating
Performance Agreements that will focus funds on successful programs, outline
plans to improve student achievement and narrow achievement gaps.
In exchange for this flexibility, states will be required to continue making
student-achievement data transparent and accessible to parents and
policymakers. But the 100 percent proficiency by 2014 mandate would be
eliminated. This approach respects state prerogatives and ensures students
are taking meaningful tests without the high-stakes nature of the current
NCLB mandate.
Sen. Jon Kyl and Reps. Jeff Flake, Trent Franks, Rick Renzi and John Shadegg
have all expressed support for the Cornyn-DeMint proposal. Superintendent of
Public Instruction Tom Horne flew to Washington to give a speech in
support of it.
Presidential candidate John McCain and Gov. Janet Napolitano are also
well-positioned to lead on this issue. McCain voted for NCLB but has yet to
comment on the race to the bottom effect. Napolitano has denounced NCLB and
now has a constructive alternative to embrace.
W need to have high expectations of our schools and students, but mandates
from Washington won't get us where we want to be.
Matthew Ladner, Ph.D., is vice president of research at the Goldwater
Institute, goldwaterinstitute.org.