Custom Language Training
Owner, age: Mitzi Epstein, 46.
Address, phone, Web site: 1 W. Elliot Road, Suite 113, Tempe, 85284;
When founded: November 2006. This company stands on the shoulders of
Corporate Language Solutions, a Tempe company that operated for about 15
years until the owner transferred the work to me.
Employees: 12.
What business offers: Training. Our mission is to help people do
their jobs better. The premise for all of our work is that "Better
communication means better business." (Copyright 2007, Custom Language
Training. All rights reserved)
Training is available in:
1. Languages: English, Spanish, French and Chinese.
2. Business image and presentation: Business norms in the United States and
in other cultures' negotiations expectations, etiquette, table manners,
professional presentations.
3. Career counseling: Workshops for high school and college students
choosing a major or college. Workshops for adults who are determining their
next vocation.
Is this business a franchise or one of a kind? One of a kind.
What makes the business unique? We customize learning programs for
the participants. We focus on the vocabulary and structures each participant
needs to do his or her job better.
We ask you, "What are your business goals? What do you need?" We use that
information and our expertise to create a time-efficient and effective
learning program.
Why should customers choose you? To get the most bang for the buck.
Our training works. Participants learn what they need in less time than they
would in a standard class. Of course, if a customer merely wants an
inexpensive standard class, we can offer that as well. Then the customer
reaps the benefit of the years of expertise and feedback from customers who
have created that "standard" class. We not only hire the best and the
brightest teachers, we also invest in developing their skills continuously.
The most recent research on effective teaching methods is combined with
decades of experience in training on four continents to create a successful
We emphasize practical use of training. "Learn it today and use it tomorrow"
are words we apply to all our training classes. Whether you are learning
specific business meeting table manners expected in China, or you are
learning about how to choose a college, you will use your CLT training
This is not your high-school Spanish class in which you memorized
conjugations and never used them. Instead, this is you and every participant
in the class speaking Spanish for two hours in class and using what you
learned today on the job tomorrow.
What are the goals for the business? We help other businesses reach
their goals by igniting each employee's full potential. As W.C. Coleman,
founder of Coleman Camping Equipment, said: "Let your first concern be your
people and they will build your business."
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